Jim Caviezel says the quiet part out loud

Chemistry and electricity.

More to the point, I don't care. It doesn't affect my life in any meaningful way, I still have to go to work and pay my bills.

At the end of the day it's a fleas on a dog argument. If the dog or deity exists, it does and will continue to do so. My belief has no bearing on the situation.
You’re leaving out the part of strong faith in most religions that’s key to their survival - they want you to believe and have faith in what they believe.

If that didn’t happen organized religion could fade away…
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You’re leaving out the part of strong faith in most religions that’s key to their survival - they want you to believe and have faith in what they believe.

If that didn’t happen organized religion could fade away…
The most brilliant thing about Christianity is proselytization.

An in built command to spread the religion.

It's the most genius thing since the virus.
Chemistry and electricity.

More to the point, I don't care. It doesn't affect my life in any meaningful way, I still have to go to work and pay my bills.

At the end of the day it's a fleas on a dog argument. If the dog or deity exists, it does and will continue to do so. My belief has no bearing on the situation.
What started the chemistry and electricity? On the contrary, your belief has ALL bearing on the situation of your life before and after death. Okay, sorry man. Here I am doing what I said I wouldn't do. A reprobate mind is a reprobate mind. Nothing can be done about it. Again, I'm sorry. It's a passion of mine to speak about Jesus and I get carried away.
What started the chemistry and electricity? On the contrary, your belief has ALL bearing on the situation of your life before and after death. Okay, sorry man. Here I am doing what I said I wouldn't do. A reprobate mind is a reprobate mind. Nothing can be done about it. Again, I'm sorry. It's a passion of mine to speak about Jesus and I get carried away.
You go right ahead on, before a certain person showed up and ruined the board, we used to go back and forth about religion muchly. Spaceheater was a strict Calvinist, me and Bong still wind him up on FB.
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I don't promote National Divorce. I promote the idea that as a nation, we are headed toward a tipping point and if we reach that point, the majority of good and moral people in this country will retake what we have lost. National Divorce is one possible alternative for doing so. But we WILL take back our country. What's up for debate is who joins us. That's your choice, not ours.

As for J6, I wasn't bothered by J6 cause I could critically assess what I was watching in real-time, and I saw it was a sham. So did others here, and to our credit, we tried to help you see that PBS was trying to hoodwink you. But as always, you saw what you wanted to see, then you turn around and claim OTHER posters here were gullible.

We even walked you through the attempted hoodwinking in real-time as it was happening. First, PBS set the stage: A bloodthirsty group of Trump savages had stormed the capitol building. At great risk to her own safety, reporter Lisa Desjardins had valiantly agreed to enter the capitol and give us live reports on this ATTEMPT TO TAKE OVER THE US GOVERNMENT!!!!

First report, Desjardins sets the stage, camera guy with her. Trump supporters are STREAMING into the capitol! There's no order, it's total chaos! Just look for yourself! Camera then pans to show a group of adults slowly walking by, single-file. One young adult sees Desjardins filming, and waves and smiles.

We told you they were BSing you, but that's not what you wanted to hear.

PBS goes back to studio, reminds us these are vicious savages and the country is at peril. This harkens back to the nation's darks days....the Civil War....the Revolution itself! How can we survive???

PBS goes back to Desjardins , who is still in the capitol, but curiously, the camera is gone. We are told she sent the camera man away, it's just TOO DANGEROUS! Desjardins tells us the insurrection is still ongoing, oh wait....she bravely approaches one of the violent Trump supporters! Be careful Lisa!!!! Lisa, disregarding all care of herself, valiantly asks the crazed Trump supporter why he is doing this???? Why is he SO ANGRY?????

"Ma'am....I'm just looking for the restroom? Have you seen it?"

Immediately cut back to the studio. PBS reminds us not to believe our lying eyes and ears, these Trump supporters are TRAINED KILLERS!!!!

We told you they stopped using the cameras cause the video they shot undermined their intended narrative. But you didn't want to believe.

After a few minutes, Desjardins is ready to give us another update. She tells us that THIS time, she's HIDING under a desk. Thankfully, the Trump savages, DON'T SEE HER! But she's scared to move! Pray for Lisa!!!!! We suddenly hear what sounds like a woman's shoe hitting a wooden desk, which Desjardins explains are actually bombs going off from DERANGED TRUMP SUPPORTERS BLINDED BY HATE AND INTENT ON TAKING OVER THE COUNTRY!

By this point you were absolutely terrified. It was honestly the most revealing and saddest thing I have ever seen on this board. You were totally hoodwinked, cause you wanted to believe. Even with MULTIPLE posters here telling you in REAL TIME how the hoodwinking was happening, and not to fall for it.

And still you did.

It places the lotion into the basket.
If I understand you correctly you take full responsibility for your actions and it's a case of listening to the advice of two people and choosing poorly?

I wouldn't describe them as people but yea, that's pretty much it. Free will...and I'm responsible for it.
The most brilliant thing about Christianity is proselytization.

An in built command to spread the religion.

It's the most genius thing since the virus.

Many different ways to proselytize.

If a person had never heard the name Jesus, I'd be moved to introduce them to Him. I've never met a person like that however.

In my experience, non-believers or those who are struggling in their faith tend to broach the subject with me. IMO that's far more effective than attempting to force feed someone who isn't hungry.

Many different ways to proselytize.

If a person had never heard the name Jesus, I'd be moved to introduce them to Him. I've never met a person like that however.

In my experience, non-believers or those who are struggling in their faith tend to broach the subject with me. IMO that's far more effective than attempting to force feed someone who isn't hungry.

Agree, and the reality is, a lot of people simply don't like talking about their religious beliefs, especially if they are still in process of forming them. It's a form of vulnerability, I think sharing what you believe with select people such as friends and colleagues works much better. If they are interested, they will ask questions, if not, they will say good for you and move on. Either way, no harm no foul.
Agree, and the reality is, a lot of people simply don't like talking about their religious beliefs, especially if they are still in process of forming them. It's a form of vulnerability, I think sharing what you believe with select people such as friends and colleagues works much better. If they are interested, they will ask questions, if not, they will say good for you and move on. Either way, no harm no foul.

This reminds me of one of my best friends growing up. He used to tease me (jokingly) by calling me a Jesus freak or a cult member...sounds awful but he was only kidding. He didn't understand why I "put myself through it."

He would ask questions and I'd do my best to answer them but that was it for me. I sometimes wanted to say more but forced indoctrination doesn't really work, lol.

Today he's a bigger Jesus freak than I am. 😂 All things in their own time.
This reminds me of one of my best friends growing up. He used to tease me (jokingly) by calling me a Jesus freak or a cult member...sounds awful but he was only kidding. He didn't understand why I "put myself through it."

He would ask questions and I'd do my best to answer them but that was it for me. I sometimes wanted to say more but forced indoctrination doesn't really work, lol.

Today he's a bigger Jesus freak than I am. 😂 All things in their own time.
It really does take a while to plant seeds. That's awesome. We are too impatient, we want to share what we belief and immediately convert someone. That's not how it works in most cases. Far better to give someone something to think about it and let them explore on their own. If you force someone to arrive at a place, they will likely leave it when you turn your back.

But if you allow them to find that place on their own, they are more likely to stay there. IMO.
It really does take a while to plant seeds. That's awesome. We are too impatient, we want to share what we belief and immediately convert someone. That's not how it works in most cases. Far better to give someone something to think about it and let them explore on their own. If you force someone to arrive at a place, they will likely leave it when you turn your back.

But if you allow them to find that place on their own, they are more likely to stay there. IMO.

Also, I could not have possibly ever reached him. Only God could. God could have used me as a conduit if that was His plan but even then, that would have had very little to do with me.
Agree, and the reality is, a lot of people simply don't like talking about their religious beliefs, especially if they are still in process of forming them. It's a form of vulnerability, I think sharing what you believe with select people such as friends and colleagues works much better. If they are interested, they will ask questions, if not, they will say good for you and move on. Either way, no harm no foul.
I can honestly say I have NEVER changed a person's mind through this route. Just doesn't work. But it sure feeds the pride of the Christian.
I can honestly say I have NEVER changed a person's mind through this route. Just doesn't work. But it sure feeds the pride of the Christian.
Really? I've found it to work wonderfully well. Not sure about changing anyone's mind as I'm not trying to do that, just sharing my experiences, others say they have had similar experiences, am a fellow believer etc etc. Leads to a lot of 'maybe I should try that', etc.