1) There have been *reports of* some really terrible adverse reactions…I’m not sure the causes of which are understood. I say it that way because some think that any and all data in the VAERS system is total BS. You have to make up your own mind on that one.
2) These vaccines sort of trick your RNA into expressing a spike protein, it’s not known exactly what that does (or doesn’t do) to RNA long term. RNA is pretty important part of your immune system (including your bodies’ ability to fight off cancer). If it has a detrimental longer term effect it could be devastating…or it could be fine. We just aren’t sure yet.
3) We are still learning how effective this type of vax is against variants, but it seems to be at least decent against the first major one. But there will be more. (By decent I mean it doesn’t stop breakthrough infections all that well but it certainly dramatically reduces bad outcomes).
4) We don’t know for sure what’s in the vaccines (which isn’t uncommon for vaccines, but at least one researcher claims to have found graphene oxide in them, certainly not confirmed), and lastly despite 20+ years of research and development the FDA has never fully approved any mRNA treatment for anything. Why?
Same question applies to why you don’t see commercials for commercials for specific vaccines. It’s not money, Q2 2021 Pfizer grossed over $18B. Is it because you have to list known side effects and that may cause additional hesitancy?