It's incredible how ignorant liberals are of basic facts


Ring of Honor
Oct 1, 2012
Been having fun with the liberals on the Iowa board.

First, they swear by the Washington Post and New York Times. That should tell you where this is headed.

I have lost count of how many times I would post a basic fact, and that would act as if they had never heard that, and demand a link to verify. Here's some that they couldn't believe:

1 - I keep reminding them that the media often gets it quite wrong when reporting about Trump. I've had THREE of them demand a link for this one LOL The Wapo and NYT readers just couldn't believe it. A couple of them said the link was bogus.

2 - I posted the fact that there are more registered voters than actual people alive in this country. They couldn't believe that one either, and demanded a link. I posted it, and again was told the link was bogus.

3 - I reminded them that most polls predicted Hillary would win the presidency in 2016. They said that was a lie, none of them did that.

4 - One poster mocked a conservative for believing Hannity's claim that there were multiple caravans coming. Sara Carter has been IN Guatemala for a week now, reporting on each of them. I believe we are up to three now.

5 - And they cannot believe there is ANY early-voting in the country. Apparently, left-wing media is keeping them totally in the dark on this. They keep breathlessly posting every new poll. I keep asking them "Why are you guys focusing on polls now that we have ACTUAL VOTES being counted? Polls are meaningless now'. That stuns them every time I say it and they demand proof LOL

6 - Someone posted about NBC news suppressing the interview they did with the chick who denied Avennatt's claims, and which undermined his client's claims. They had never heard this and called it lies.

What this all means is we have the majority of the Left who literally believes in a world that does not exist. I mean, we all know this, but to see how ignorant these people are is truly frightening. They are literally being fed hateful rhetoric, and they believe every word of it, because it comes from left-wing media.

I think this is why Trump continues to rail on the media. I guess the plan is that if the media keep screwing up, eventually these people will wake up.

Some of them will, but I think some of them are literally brainwashed at this point.
For the low information voter: I'll use small words. The low information voter gave us two terms of the long legged Mack Daddy. Two terms of economic stagnation. Black America's poverty went up, home ownership went down. Black America didn't turn out in the usual numbers for the Godmother of the Clinton crime mob. The long legged Mack Daddy gave us Trump. This is not hard. This is not wave mechanics.