Is there anything more white and simpleton than country music Line Dancing?


Bull Gator
Gold Member
Sep 3, 2006
It's like dancing for the mentally handicapped. Step.....step.....stomp.....stomp.....turn..... around.....clap.....clap......don'tforgettobreatheverycoupleseconds.....and.....repeat.........
Anything more white 🤷‍♂️

Line dancing has become a staple of the Black community‘s culture as it naturally provides a sense of comfort, unity and pride at any festivity.
No matter where Black people are, if “Candy” by Cameo comes on, it’s an instant signal that leads everyone in attendance to dance in sync like a flash mob while doing the Electric Slide. There isn’t a wrong time or place to break out in dance or age demographic, so this can often be seen at a family reunion, wedding, graduation and birthday party, bar mitzvah, randomly in public places like a park or festival, and more. It’s an unspoken way Black people bond and socialize.


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