I was reading an article on ZeroHedge that is wondering with the state of progressive politics here in the USofA...has the trend officially begun to where we see more and more socialism here in the US?...or do you think this is a trend only that will quickly pass?
Also (both articles are on page two), ZeroHedge reports Jussie Smollett apparently gave police (in Los Angeles) incorrect information and was sentenced to two years probation and a choice of paying a fine or jail time...wonder if this factoid will reach the mainstream (????) news...if it is, indeed, true.
Agent Orange
Also (both articles are on page two), ZeroHedge reports Jussie Smollett apparently gave police (in Los Angeles) incorrect information and was sentenced to two years probation and a choice of paying a fine or jail time...wonder if this factoid will reach the mainstream (????) news...if it is, indeed, true.
Agent Orange