Is Kamala warming up in the bullpen?


With Clyburns comments I think it ends up being her.
I think it has to be.

I didn't know this prior, but apparently FEC finance laws dictate that you can't just transfer donated funds from one candidate to another, with the exception of the Vice President.

Seeing that she's the only one with access to the war chest...
I think it has to be.

I didn't know this prior, but apparently FEC finance laws dictate that you can't just transfer donated funds from one candidate to another, with the exception of the Vice President.

Seeing that she's the only one with access to the war chest...
That is not going to end well for the Dimtards. 😂
I think it has to be.

I didn't know this prior, but apparently FEC finance laws dictate that you can't just transfer donated funds from one candidate to another, with the exception of the Vice President.

Seeing that she's the only one with access to the war chest...
Someone that holds the second highest office in our land ONLY because she is black and female. (Oh...and must be good on her knees)
I think it has to be.

I didn't know this prior, but apparently FEC finance laws dictate that you can't just transfer donated funds from one candidate to another, with the exception of the Vice President.

Seeing that she's the only one with access to the war chest...
And it’s 274M along with Gretch and Gavin not polling far better.

If you are D, it is obvious.
Honestly, the one I'm worried about is MIchelle Obama. She would be wildly popular among all democrats, most women, Hollywood and the media.

Even in the VP role behind the current idiot VP.
Honestly, the one I'm worried about is MIchelle Obama. She would be wildly popular among all democrats, most women, Hollywood and the media.

Even in the VP role behind the current idiot VP.
Yes, that's true. Most people don't realize just how stupid she is which is pretty damn stupid.

I read her senior thesis at Princeton, it was at Best a B minus high school paper. It was on being black at Princeton. She is a total racist by the way..

She is also on record saying she would rather crawl through broken glass, than be president, let's hope that holds ...
Anyone here actually think the dems don't have another "crime" or "scandal" or whatever already to go here to charge Trump with closer to election day? Also they've changed the sentencing date now to Sept 18th on the last circus court trial for judge Merchan. The minute I believe Trump gets reelected will be the minute after he gets sworn in. There is nothing the dems will not do to keep Trump from POTUS. Nothing. Even Pat is now demanding Joe take action...

Anyone here actually think the dems don't have another "crime" or "scandal" or whatever already to go here to charge Trump with closer to election day? Also they've changed the sentencing date now to Sept 18th on the last circus court trial for judge Merchan. The minute I believe Trump gets reelected will be the minute after he gets sworn in. There is nothing the dems will not do to keep Trump from POTUS. Nothing. Even Pat is now demanding Joe take action...

Where is the FBLie during all of this happy horseshit?????? Let's talk about insurrections and election interference you leftard imbeciles....... :mad:

Dems paying the Claiburn tax. For the resurrection of the brain dead Biden's campaign, he was given a choice for VP of Stacey Abrams, Val Deming, Karen Bass or the Cackling Co-pilot Comala. Same with his Supreme Court Selection. It had to be a black female.

Biden could easily be led into the dementia unit of an assisted living facility with a bribe of his favorite pudding flavor. Jill, Hunter and the other grifting family members will not go easily. Hunter needs a get out of jail free card. Jim and his wife can't earn a living without the big guy to sell.

And do you think Jill (who has been broke for 40+ years refinancing various houses 35 times to take cash out) gives a rip about reputation or the media? That woman will need to be extracted from the white house by the "Jaws of Life". She's waited 50 years for this.
Let's revisit some of your epic quotes with a slight revision:

All politicians are crooks, but Kamala Harris is a bigger crook
All politicians lie, but Kamala Harris lies more

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