is it April 1st? Have any of you ever been told "gatorbait" is a racist term?

What the Fuchs? I saw that on facebook, figured it had to be from the Onion or some other satire/spoof site. Is that for real?
What the Fuchs? I saw that on facebook, figured it had to be from the Onion or some other satire/spoof site. Is that for real?

Per some museum 100’s of years ago black babies were fed to Gators!
As a man that has majority African American ancestry I have not ever been once offended by the term Gator Bait. Even if we swallowed up African American RB's RB's Travis Henry, Knowshon Mareno, etc on a tackle for loss. I forget color of the player and only see them as Red/Black, Orange/White, etc uniforms getting stuffed by Orange and Blue uniforms.

As a man with at least 25% Native American ancestry I have never been offended by the Seminole Chop. The team named Seminoles, Arkansas State Indians, Aztecs, Cleveland Indians, etc has never bothered me. I honestly don't really like the name Redskins but I don't lose sleep over it.

I have been glad to see some changes made in my lifetime. Especially those who committed tyranny and treason against the country. Especially that old racist VP of the CSA who said a Negro was not equal to anyone during his cornerstone speech.

However the removal of "Gator Bait" is petty. I would say the same if they removed the Seminole War Chant although I despise FSU.

We have bigger problems to worry about. Small steps...I guess :(
Lawrence Wright said "If your not a Gator, you must be Gator Bait"
I believe Lawrence Wright is black. I must admit I never knew or considered "Gator Bait" as racist.
Instead of all these silly symbolic gestures, maybe we should really really do something about racism. I guess this makes people feel good.
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Has no association with nothing. Is the former site banned as well?

LMFAO!!!!!!! **** that asshole.
We will just start yelling Master instead of Gator and see how fast they change it back
This is priceless:

"Thanks to the university of Florida from leading from the front to end the well documented systemic racism alligators cause. Black Americans, and indeed all Americans, can walk safely through the swamps tomorrow without having to fear for their lives." --Oskie
Now the UGA band will stop playing "Tara's Theme" from GWTW in their post game set. Not that I care too much about that, but it's just a power grab that's sweeping the nation and the offended society has taken over.
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Lawrence Wright said "If your not a Gator, you must be Gator Bait"
I believe Lawrence Wright is black. I must admit I never knew or considered "Gator Bait" as racist.
Instead of all these silly symbolic gestures, maybe we should really really do something about racism. I guess this makes people feel good.

This is the epitome of stupid people having a say in what goes on imo, i have a bunch of blk friends who constantly say "gator bait" and do it all the time. Nobody thought this was racist but here we are. I loved it and thought it was pretty cool that they did this. Would be epic if the students and fan continued the tradition.
I'm sure there have also been discussions at Auburn about taking the words "Power of Dixie Land" out of the end of War Eagle.

how silly.
This is the epitome of stupid people having a say in what goes on imo, i have a bunch of blk friends who constantly say "gator bait" and do it all the time. Nobody thought this was racist but here we are. I loved it and thought it was pretty cool that they did this. Would be epic if the students and fan continued the tradition.
I was very vocal against removing the Seminole mascot and team name when that BS was going down. There are just some things that cross school rivalries and require solidarity. Hell, I believe I have a minute amount of Indian heritage. But this one borders insanity. Never in my wildest dreams could I have conjured up this kind of PC butthurt and predicted this.......
I have a feeling your fan base is going to give this guy hell when he shows himself at sporting events or even in public. It will be yelled at him relentlessly and the booing will not stop. He just shortened his tenure exponentially.
I have a feeling your fan base is going to give this guy hell when he shows himself at sporting events or even in public. It will be yelled at him relentlessly and the booing will not stop. He just shortened his tenure exponentially.
Asshat cucks like this are more than half of the problem. Throw in the media, and we've got a full blown major division in this country. I personally blame academia for 90% of the friction in this country. Venezuela, here we come.
As a lifelong gator fan I have never considered gator bait anything but a rallying cry. And I have to admit Chief Osceola planting the spear on the 50 yard line before kicking off home games is, to borrow a phrase “pretty cool” and in no way racist.
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So you are saying the smart people don't know what they are talking about?

I think they have a mindset that makes it....easy....for them to find a ridiculous argument for this decision.

Also, degrees don't necessarily make you wise or even intelligent, per se.

Regardless, this is clearly reactionary. Someone brought it up that "well you know, with all this other stuff going on, there's a reference to 'gator bait' that might come up and we should probably get ahead of this thing before it comes out."

well change the mascot as well, because it was the alligators themselves that ate them, so obviously racist. Surely what it was intended to mean. I mean in 1906 we adopted the mascot as a reference to murdering black babies.


So now let's be the Florida Sunshines. That's nice and happy.

wait....sunshine causes skin cancer.....that can be insensitive.

okay, cool, maybe....the Univeristy of Florida Swampers?

Well no, can't do that. First of all, racist alligators live there, not mention all kinds of other disease, pestilence and creatures that can cause problems.

maybe....well....I guess to be politically correct, we should just change every program to the University of Florida Humanoids.
That's probably non-inclusive as well. Because there are people that identify as freaking animals (look it up) so I guess we just go with....

UF Gainesvillians?

Nah, villains sound bad, so we should change that too.

Now let's remember that football, hell , all sports, are mean in general.

Seriously? How anybody can support that slippery slope line of thinking is absurd.
I think they have a mindset that makes it....easy....for them to find a ridiculous argument for this decision.

Also, degrees don't necessarily make you wise or even intelligent, per se.

Regardless, this is clearly reactionary. Someone brought it up that "well you know, with all this other stuff going on, there's a reference to 'gator bait' that might come up and we should probably get ahead of this thing before it comes out."

well change the mascot as well, because it was the alligators themselves that ate them, so obviously racist. Surely what it was intended to mean. I mean in 1906 we adopted the mascot as a reference to murdering black babies.


So now let's be the Florida Sunshines. That's nice and happy.

wait....sunshine causes skin cancer.....that can be insensitive.

okay, cool, maybe....the Univeristy of Florida Swampers?

Well no, can't do that. First of all, racist alligators live there, not mention all kinds of other disease, pestilence and creatures that can cause problems.

maybe....well....I guess to be politically correct, we should just change every program to the University of Florida Humanoids.
That's probably non-inclusive as well. Because there are people that identify as freaking animals (look it up) so I guess we just go with....

UF Gainesvillians?

Nah, villains sound bad, so we should change that too.

Now let's remember that football, hell , all sports, are mean in general.

Seriously? How anybody can support that slippery slope line of thinking is absurd.

Well, I have long supported the de-emphasizing of the south's Confederate past, taking down the statues and renaming buildings named for former Confederate (and often KKK as well) Generals and other noteworthies. It would be hypocritical to come out against the same line of reasoning just because this time it's something I happen to like that's going away, so while I don't personally like or agree with it, I am taking a wait and see approach, but if it stands I will accept it. However, just as I support people's right to personal expression in their decision to fly the Confederate flag, I would support people's right to continue the chant without the band. Although I will state that I wish people would let the C flag go. The people that wave that flag also claim a vast love for America, so I would like to see a movement to switch from flying the Confederate flag to flying the Independence flag, with the 13 stars in a circle. That flag celebrates America in a way that everybody can get behind. But that's just wishful thinking, I know.

Oh, and on your supposition that UF would have to give up alligators because of racist overtones, if that were to happen while FSU was able to keep Seminoles, I think my head would explode.
Well, I have long supported the de-emphasizing of the south's Confederate past, taking down the statues and renaming buildings named for former Confederate (and often KKK as well) Generals and other noteworthies. It would be hypocritical to come out against the same line of reasoning just because this time it's something I happen to like that's going away, so while I don't personally like or agree with it, I am taking a wait and see approach, but if it stands I will accept it. However, just as I support people's right to personal expression in their decision to fly the Confederate flag, I would support people's right to continue the chant without the band. Although I will state that I wish people would let the C flag go. The people that wave that flag also claim a vast love for America, so I would like to see a movement to switch from flying the Confederate flag to flying the Independence flag, with the 13 stars in a circle. That flag celebrates America in a way that everybody can get behind. But that's just wishful thinking, I know.

Oh, and on your supposition that UF would have to give up alligators because of racist overtones, if that were to happen while FSU was able to keep Seminoles, I think my head would explode.
The thirteen star American flag could offend the British.
I have a feeling your fan base is going to give this guy hell when he shows himself at sporting events or even in public. It will be yelled at him relentlessly and the booing will not stop. He just shortened his tenure exponentially.

If i were gator fans i would do the gator bait chant towards him every single time i saw him. I would rain the chant on him everywhere
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This is akin to being offended at kickoff because the ball is brown...

it is absurd...

I hate to say it sad but this is your people. Liberals cant help but going this far. When you allow people to be offended by stupid things they just keep going with it.
Seriously, there is not one person ever...ever...not even one of those Antifa assholes...that actually has thought that the Florida Gators sports teams cheer of “Gator Bait” is even tangentially related to any distantly past former racist connotation of the term...

it is true...(well, except for the Fuchs dude).

100% agree. That man needs to be booed out of every building he walks in
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Sorry to tell you all, but the word on campus is that they are going to get rid of Albert and Alberta as well as the president links them to the gator bait situation and see's the gator symbol as racist. Our current UF President is MAJOR MAJOR MAAAAAAJOR leftist liberal I can tell you that. We get a university wide email from him just about every other day at this point.
Im not clinking on the link, i know why its happening, mob rules. Cowards are afraid to stand up to the mobs and say "fvck you". Thats what should happen.
No because everytime we try to stand up to the current mob rule, we are instantly labelled white supremacists/racists/bigots/sexists in this country and the trend as of late is that despite committing no crime whatsoever, you then end up losing your job most of the time.
Sorry to tell you all, but the word on campus is that they are going to get rid of Albert and Alberta as well as the president links them to the gator bait situation and see's the gator symbol as racist. Our current UF President is MAJOR MAJOR MAAAAAAJOR leftist liberal I can tell you that. We get a university wide email from him just about every other day at this point.

told you. The mascot was next.

If your belief is that "Gator Bait" is a racist phrase because of an obscure connotation about tossing black babies to Gators, well....hate to tell you but the mascot is at the very center of this.

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