is that a yes?
Sorry for your loss. All because 'Some soldiers did something".
is that a yes?
I support sending militant orthodox nutjobs to Satan who masquerades as the Most High under a false name. I support it anywhere at anytime for any reason because it is they that say you are either in the house of submission or the house of that a yes?
Not at all. It’s up to Iran at this point. Should they choose to respond, and I suspect they will to maintain credibility with their axis of evil allies, the U.S. has simply provided fair warning of additional consequences.
I believe Trump had shown considerable restraint regarding Iran over the past year or so, until the recent outrageous actions by the Iranians forced his hand.
As for declaration of war principles, I think both Republican and Democrat administrations have weaseled around the War Powers Act with “authorizations” for military force without an outright declaration of war. We’re probably no more than one round of reactive / retaliatory strikes from being in a de facto war with Iran anyway.
Perhaps you prefer the appeasement posture pursued by the Obama administration?
i prefer to be kept out of unnecessary conflicts in the ME, which Obama avoided.
I support sending militant orthodox nutjobs to Satan who masquerades as the Most High under a false name. I support it anywhere at anytime for any reason because it is they that say you are either in the house of submission or the house of war.
This conflict is well over 1400 years old but with modern weapons the stakes become much higher. A wise man once said:
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may be even a worse fate, you may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves."
So you are in favor of religious wars. You sound like the Muslim nut jobs that want a caliphate. You are just as dangerous.
Newsflash, not all Muslims are violent and want to kill all infidels. Many different religious sects have peacefully coexisted in the Middle East for centuries.
1 you have poor reading skillsSo you are in favor of religious wars. You sound like the Muslim nut jobs that want a caliphate. You are just as dangerous.
Newsflash, not all Muslims are violent and want to kill all infidels. Many different religious sects have peacefully coexisted in the Middle East for centuries.
I support sending militant orthodox nutjobs to Satan who masquerades as the Most High under a false name. I support it anywhere at anytime for any reason because it is they that say you are either in the house of submission or the house of war.
Then explain what you meant by this. Edited for content.
1. It seems you are calling for a religious war against those that worship a false god.
It seems you are upset that we responded to an attack on US soil.
Whose side are you on?
Derp. I thought you weren’t responding to me.
Btw, I’m still in the Bahamas. It’s beautiful here.
I'm sure the view from your budget hotel room is great.
I knew you couldn’t resist me. This thread is all you have.
Actually I own a place here.
Michael Moore. LOL. Not exactly droves. And condemning the assassination of a key military figure is not exactly “supporting the ayatollahs.”