I don't know what does. He should be ashamed of himself. GUARANTEE you he'll be voting for the sleepy, creepy, pervert and his hateful, lying, fake sidekick.
Big Ten Commissioner Berates Police, Ends All Sports in the League for 2020 Due to COVID But Is OK with His Son Playing Ball In the SEC
"As a Black man, I pray every day for the health and safety of my wife and children, especially during interactions with law enforcement. We continue to see inequality and deep divide regarding how members of the Black community are treated compared to the rest of society and too often, the results have been horrific and senseless. Such racism and inequality are pervasive, not just endemic in law enforcement." What's that got to do with Covid and kids playing football? Shame on him!
Big Ten Commissioner Berates Police, Ends All Sports in the League for 2020 Due to COVID But Is OK with His Son Playing Ball In the SEC
"As a Black man, I pray every day for the health and safety of my wife and children, especially during interactions with law enforcement. We continue to see inequality and deep divide regarding how members of the Black community are treated compared to the rest of society and too often, the results have been horrific and senseless. Such racism and inequality are pervasive, not just endemic in law enforcement." What's that got to do with Covid and kids playing football? Shame on him!