I would like to welcome another scooper

Welcome, from a UK fan. My home board is definitely conservative friendly (within reasonable bounds) but I like this board as well.

What always stands out for me with soonerinlOUisiana? I once asked three Mensa questions on the old OOB board. They were addressed to nobody. The questions just happened to be part of the subject matter.

Inexplicably, SiL voluntarily rapidly answered all three questions correctly.

I once asked the same three questions here, supplied SiL's answers, explained the answers in detail, and Ghost's star opponent couldn't get it.
FSU grad here and when my home board dropped our political board I had no place to go. I have gone to Iowa's HROT but I've never seen such a collection of leftist trolls, bots, DNC wannabees in my life.
Yes, I realize most are one and the same, but y'all think the combination of living among nothing but cornfields and hog poop can create such wrongheaded political nonsense?

Oh, and welcome to our Sooner friend. I lived in Dallas for 20 years and many of my friends were OU parents!
FSU grad here and when my home board dropped our political board I had no place to go. I have gone to Iowa's HROT but I've never seen such a collection of leftist trolls, bots, DNC wannabees in my life.

That's what happens when you stick about 20 people who all think exactly the same way into a small bubble. It's groupthink on steroids.

I didn't last there too long, but they always 'insulted' me about my posts to Likes ratio. I had about 2 likes for every post.

Most of them had FIFTEEN Likes for every post. Confirmation bias to the extreme.

This is why they never learn anything, because they are surrounded by others that think just like they do. And they ostracize anyone that offered a differing opinion or facts they didn't want to hear.

You see the same thing among the libs here, on a much smaller scale.
As the son and grandson of Ky farmers growing up in corn and soybean fields, hogs, and cattle, I’d like to think I turned out ok. :rolleyes: No offense taken. I went on the Iowa board for about 5-10 minutes one time and felt like I needed to take a shower afterwards.

At least where I come from, the farming community is very conservative, except maybe when it comes to government support programs. ;)
If it's any consolation we lived in Kentucky and liked it!
Nordic and German types tend to be liberal.

These types came from the old world with highly regulated and orderly homogeneous societies.

These are autocratic and regimented societies.

Ze trains vill run on time and ze watches will keep time to the microsecond or some one vill pay!

These immigrants settled in the Midwest and brought that thinking with them.
Their lack of self awareness is truly astounding.
It isn’t lack of self awareness. It’s the agenda. Goebbels would be proud.

Also, Saul Alinsky and his “Rules for Radicals”... look up Saul’s job. Hint, Obama was one too.


Were you on the Paddock or on Rupps Rafters? The Political Thread on the Paddock is generally free-wheeling within limits.

If you were on Rafters and self-identified as a UT fan I can see why it didn’t go well for you.

I don’t see how sane UK fans can stand Rafttards, let alone sane rivals fans

If I go to the U.K. Rivals site, it’s only to Wildcat Lair, the football board