I think Rush is missing the big picture on this impeachment talk


Ring of Honor
Oct 1, 2012
Rush is making the case now how the media handled Clinton's impeachment will be completely different from how they would handle President Trump being impeached.

On this point, he is precisely right. The media in the 90s spun that Clinton was being impeached over having Lewinskies in the Oval Office. He was actually impeached over committing perjury and encouraging witnesses to lie to Congress. The sheep don't know that, even to this day, dems and Never Trumpers claim that Clinton was impeached for committing adultery, they even claim Trump should be impeached over rumors that he did the same thing years BEFORE occupying the Oval Office!

But back to Rush's point: The media will again lie about President Trump's impeachment process, just as they did for Clinton. They covered for Silly Willie and did their best to exonerate him, while they will make the case for prosecuting President Trump every day of the week.

But the BIG difference between the 1990s and today is that today most Americans DO NOT TRUST THE MEDIA. And you have to understand....for the last 3 years, the only reason the media gets up in the morning is to get Trump thrown out of office. It is literally their reason for living right now. They will view this as their ONE chance to realize their dreams.

And that will push them to overplay their hand. Bigly. They will go too far every day, and when they see that isnt working, they will go even further and get even more irrational.

I think if they try to impeach President Trump, it will completely destroy what little trust left in the media, and render them completely powerless as a propaganda arm of the democratic party.

I say bring it on.
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Biggest mistake democrats could make is to impeach trump. It would be the reverse of Trump’s biggest miscalculation: the government shut down, unpopular with everyone but the fringe, whose support cant be lost anyway, but on a much bigger scale. Impeachment would be dead on arrival. I doubt they’d even get it done in the House, and it would obviously be DOA in the senate. All that time the democrats would be cementing themselves as the party of obstruction and make believe and government by investigation. Dems need to get over the fact that Trump beat them in the election and wake up to the fact that he is whipping their asses daily and start getting a message out there beyond whining about the election.
Polling consistently tells us Trump is more trusted than media. One would think the media would get it. Some do. The Oklahoman and the Orange County Register are well aware as are many others.
Are there enough voters who want to return to economic stagnation?

At last world testing, the U. S. average IQ was a paltry 98. That means 1/2 of U. S. Nationals are below 98. We could see a Democrat elected. At this time it's quite unlikely.
Are there enough voters who want to return to economic stagnation?

At last world testing, the U. S. average IQ was a paltry 98. That means 1/2 of U. S. Nationals are below 98. We could see a Democrat elected. At this time it's quite unlikely.

Americans tend to get complacent after a few years of a robust economy. So in a normal political environment, that would open the door for the dems in 2024.

But what's coming in the following weeks and months will blow that apart:

Wait till it comes out that obama ASKED for the help.
sadgator’s the biggest hardcore Democrat you’ve ever encountered and even he believes that impeachment is’ll never happen...

The general population of voters will do the “impeaching” in 2020.
Not many real Democrats left Sad. Your party has been hijacked by socialists.
Not many real Democrats left Sad. Your party has been hijacked by socialists.

Both parties have been hijacked by donors. Big reason why they hate Trump (he is independently wealthy and doesn't need donors) and are projected that russia controls how he sets policy.

As always, they project their bad behavior onto their enemies.
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