4 46885 Bull Gator Sep 22, 2003 12,925 1,735 113 Oct 9, 2015 #1 Explains the throws and the Sark collapse... but yea, seven win Sark is gonna lose his job and Chip will be in the Coliseum for the opener next year. Reactions: ifuaintagatorumustbegatorbait
Explains the throws and the Sark collapse... but yea, seven win Sark is gonna lose his job and Chip will be in the Coliseum for the opener next year.
I ifuaintagatorumustbegatorbait Rowdy Reptile Aug 28, 2010 1,799 301 83 Oct 9, 2015 #2 Seven win Sark was a very questionable hire in the first place. They could have done WAY better than that guy.
Seven win Sark was a very questionable hire in the first place. They could have done WAY better than that guy.
sadgator Bull Gator Jan 9, 2002 23,269 16,315 113 Copper Monkey 30 minutes prior to kickoff Oct 9, 2015 #3 That was a really bad loss last night. No way USC should have lost that game at home. They looked awful.
That was a really bad loss last night. No way USC should have lost that game at home. They looked awful.
Martha81 Swamp Thing Gold Member Aug 26, 2015 774 848 93 Florida Keys Oct 9, 2015 #4 The soft west coast footballers need someone like Chip for all those misdirection play calls. The boys to our left just can't line up and hammer it home. Its good to live in the Southern states...
The soft west coast footballers need someone like Chip for all those misdirection play calls. The boys to our left just can't line up and hammer it home. Its good to live in the Southern states...