I hope everyone has seen this incredible BS

Capt Ron 1

Bull Gator
Gold Member
Nov 29, 2021
Fort Walton Bch, Fl
Yeah I saw it. They will say "it's only on those worth $100M+, they need to pay their fair share". LOL, $100M is just a starting point. By the time your grandchildren are your age they will be paying this also if implemented which right now I don't see it happening. But, I've said for years that their ultimate goal is government takeover of all 401Ks, IRAs, Roths, etc... under the guise that it's for the common good and due to government debt but will "guarantee" you that your $$$$$ + interest will be there for you when you retire. The dems have floated this out through various House members over the years to gauge the anger/opposition. Within 25 to 30 years I believe it will happen. Think about it, there are already way more people that have nothing saved than those that have. They will gladly vote for those who will promise them through entitlements a share of your $$$$$. We're already outnumbered, imagine what that gulf between haves and have nots will be like in 30 years with dem policies and open borders. Hope I'm wrong.
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Libs..."Independants" you had BETTER read up on this. Your commie is trying to make it where NO ONE can afford a home.

These people are village idiots. You can't tax unrealized gains. You've seriously got to be full blown retard to even contemplate it. It sounds good to the completely idiotic socialists but it doesn't work. Not even Cucky believes in that. You need a buyer and seller to complete a transaction. Just today, article about Peloton's ex CEO is a pauper because he did not sell any stock and was a billionaire. He's bankrupt. It does not matter that they "claim" it's only people who make more than a certain amount. That's all BS, the very concept of this is BS and once Pandora's Box is opened they will reduce the amount of net worth needed to confiscate wealth. It's not even possible really to administer this type of insanity. What happens when value goes down, they gonna issue refunds? I think not.

This ill conceived horse shit wouldn't even pass in a Democrat controlled Congress. It's all sound bites for the low information voters like Jimbo.
I was being a smart ass but I'm also serious. India is a socialist democracy and they're very much pro authority. British colonial rule hasn't quite worn off them yet.
Well it damned sure isn't working well for the UK. Makes you wonder how Brexit passed. The EU is a bunch of cucks that Justin Trudeau would be proud of. :mad: London is sounding a lot like Kommiefornia is here.
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These people are village idiots. You can't tax unrealized gains. You've seriously got to be full blown retard to even contemplate it. It sounds good to the completely idiotic socialists but it doesn't work. Not even Cucky believes in that. You need a buyer and seller to complete a transaction. Just today, article about Peloton's ex CEO is a pauper because he did not sell any stock and was a billionaire. He's bankrupt. It does not matter that they "claim" it's only people who make more than a certain amount. That's all BS, the very concept of this is BS and once Pandora's Box is opened they will reduce the amount of net worth needed to confiscate wealth. It's not even possible really to administer this type of insanity. What happens when value goes down, they gonna issue refunds? I think not.

This ill conceived horse shit wouldn't even pass in a Democrat controlled Congress. It's all sound bites for the low information voters like Jimbo.
I don't always trust polls but it's not comforting for us conservatives to look at them right now. If Trump could keep his spiteful self in check and concentrate on the issues he'd be far better off. He needs to hammer the Dims for their policy failures the past 4years and provide meaningful solutions. He's too often his own worst enemy. I cringe at the thought of a Cackle's presidency but won't be surprised if it happens.
Comrade Harris is a tyrant & terrible person.

If the stock value goes down, would we get money back?!?!

Leftists are Godless, angry & violent. They are America’s most dangerous enemy!
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I don't always trust polls but it's not comforting for us conservatives to look at them right now. If Trump could keep his spiteful self in check and concentrate on the issues he'd be far better off. He needs to hammer the Dims for their policy failures the past 4years and provide meaningful solutions. He's too often his own worst enemy. I cringe at the thought of a Cackle's presidency but won't be surprised if it happens.

He's actually gotten better on this compared to previous campaigns. But face it, none of this matters at this point. Look at what they did the other day when Trump showed up at Arlington Cemetary to honor those fallen, met with the families and took pics with them at the family's request. Kamala couldn't be bothered to show up. Joe's too busy, he was lying out on a beach in Delaware. And who did the media attack? Trump, for the pics taken with the families at Arlington. Anything he does 90% of the media and Kamala's campaign will find a way to attack it and run with it 24/7. He could single handedly find a one dose pill cure for all cancers at this point and the media would assault him for the hit that big pharma and the cancer healthcare industry would be taking. That's our reality now. Smh.
He's actually gotten better on this compared to previous campaigns. But face it, none of this matters at this point. Look at what they did the other day when Trump showed up at Arlington Cemetary to honor those fallen, met with the families and took pics with them at the family's request. Kamala couldn't be bothered to show up. Joe's too busy, he was lying out on a beach in Delaware. And who did the media attack? Trump, for the pics taken with the families at Arlington. Anything he does 90% of the media and Kamala's campaign will find a way to attack it and run with it 24/7. He could single handedly find a one dose pill cure for all cancers at this point and the media would assault him for the hit that big pharma and the cancer healthcare industry would be taking. That's our reality now. Smh.
You're correct in that he's assailed by the media but right now there is a Cacklala wave wave sweeping the country. It's sickening but effective thus far. It's unbelievable how dumb and gullible Americans can be.
You're correct in that he's assailed by the media but right now there is a Cacklala wave wave sweeping the country. It's sickening but effective thus far. It's unbelievable how dumb and gullible Americans can be.
Don't believe everything you read. I browse through dozens of propaganda articles per day, mostly for the comments because the articles are 90% Dimtard click bait. The majority of comments are not pro commy, not by a long shot.
The legacy media is in bed with the Deep State and the Democrats, all three tied to the hip. It's nothing but a coordinated effort to make you believe the lies they spew. It so uncanny that Orwell predicted this so many years ago.
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You're correct in that he's assailed by the media but right now there is a Cacklala wave wave sweeping the country. It's sickening but effective thus far. It's unbelievable how dumb and gullible Americans can be.

Oh I totally agree. Alot on here and elsewhere constantly say "the American people are not stupid they see what is happening to the Country and will see through Kamala". No, most of the public are as dumb as a bag of rocks. Just look at the commercials for the TV shows they watch every week haha. I saw a list a while back of everything that has gone wrong under Biden/Harris and it's not a short list. And a big chunk of the list directly affects the average American in a negative way. And yet still they will vote for more of it. Insanity.
He's actually gotten better on this compared to previous campaigns. But face it, none of this matters at this point. Look at what they did the other day when Trump showed up at Arlington Cemetary to honor those fallen, met with the families and took pics with them at the family's request. Kamala couldn't be bothered to show up. Joe's too busy, he was lying out on a beach in Delaware. And who did the media attack? Trump, for the pics taken with the families at Arlington. Anything he does 90% of the media and Kamala's campaign will find a way to attack it and run with it 24/7. He could single handedly find a one dose pill cure for all cancers at this point and the media would assault him for the hit that big pharma and the cancer healthcare industry would be taking. That's our reality now. Smh.
Let's not forget the significant roadblocks placed in his path to attend in the first place.
Oh I totally agree. Alot on here and elsewhere constantly say "the American people are not stupid they see what is happening to the Country and will see through Kamala". No, most of the public are as dumb as a bag of rocks. Just look at the commercials for the TV shows they watch every week haha. I saw a list a while back of everything that has gone wrong under Biden/Harris and it's not a short list. And a big chunk of the list directly affects the average American in a negative way. And yet still they will vote for more of it. Insanity.
You are not wrong, but there are still more of us than them. The Marxist Dimtards are spending a trillion dollars on ads and negative campaign messages against common sense. Yes, there are a lot of clueless sheep and stupid people. Their goal is to import more of them into this country until the point of no return. Kalimgoodman says illegal immigration doesn't concern him at all. Why? Because it is a means to an end.............of civilization as we know it.
I don't always trust polls but it's not comforting for us conservatives to look at them right now. If Trump could keep his spiteful self in check and concentrate on the issues he'd be far better off. He needs to hammer the Dims for their policy failures the past 4years and provide meaningful solutions. He's too often his own worst enemy. I cringe at the thought of a Cackle's presidency but won't be surprised if it happens.
What you meant to say is that IF people concentrated on what really matters, and quit listening to the MSM trying tio sway the election. Smart people do this. The ones that think this means more than 20% inflation, open borders and WWIII about to start are the people that need their heads examined.
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What you meant to say is that IF people concentrated on what really matters, and quit listening to the MSM trying tio sway the election. Smart people do this. The ones that think this means more than 20% inflation, open borders and WWIII about to start are the people that need their heads examined.
There should be a civics exam administered and passed before allowing voting............and well as a basic economics course. :rolleyes:
Oh I totally agree. Alot on here and elsewhere constantly say "the American people are not stupid they see what is happening to the Country and will see through Kamala". No, most of the public are as dumb as a bag of rocks. Just look at the commercials for the TV shows they watch every week haha. I saw a list a while back of everything that has gone wrong under Biden/Harris and it's not a short list. And a big chunk of the list directly affects the average American in a negative way. And yet still they will vote for more of it. Insanity.
Well, Walmart is a judgment free shopping zone.
We could have one day only election voting with no crowds at the polls.

The average IQ is allegedly 100. 1/2 above 100 and 1/2 below 100. Listening to Cackamala and the Dims it doesn't long to figure out which party belongs in the below 100 group.
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Oh I totally agree. Alot on here and elsewhere constantly say "the American people are not stupid they see what is happening to the Country and will see through Kamala". No, most of the public are as dumb as a bag of rocks. Just look at the commercials for the TV shows they watch every week haha. I saw a list a while back of everything that has gone wrong under Biden/Harris and it's not a short list. And a big chunk of the list directly affects the average American in a negative way. And yet still they will vote for more of it. Insanity.
I totally agree. I talk to them every day and it never ceases to amaze me how uniformed the voting public is. An elderly man, transplant from New England, told me he would continue to vote Democrat now that he has relocated down here because Southern Democrats are nice and not insane like the ones he left up North. ??????

I had another person from Kentucky tell me he votes Republican for congress but Democrat for governor. I guess they enjoy being 48th in education and a teacher's union running the state. Some things never change.

It is insanity.
You're correct in that he's assailed by the media but right now there is a Cacklala wave wave sweeping the country. It's sickening but effective thus far. It's unbelievable how dumb and gullible Americans can be.
It's really not.

She got no bump from the DNC. Her biggest crowd was fake. Lately her crowds have been much smaller.

Polls are having to oversample D+7 - D+21 to get her a 3-5 point advantage....and if history is any indicator shy Trump voters are always underestimated in polling.

Polymarket is a betting site where people put their money where their mouth is, and right now it shows Trump up.

Her campaign is astroturf. It's a fake media BS. Let Trump continue to roll, Vance to help, and let's see how the debate goes. Even a liberal can see she's scared to face questions on her own.
Has anyone been to the official Dem website to see if they have a platform up yet with Kamala's official policies listed? All they do is have campaign AIDS leak out these policy changes for Kamala. It's only 2 months until election. This shit is ridiculous. And people vote for it haha.
It's really not.

She got no bump from the DNC. Her biggest crowd was fake. Lately her crowds have been much smaller.

Polls are having to oversample D+7 - D+21 to get her a 3-5 point advantage....and if history is any indicator shy Trump voters are always underestimated in polling.

Polymarket is a betting site where people put their money where their mouth is, and right now it shows Trump up.

Her campaign is astroturf. It's a fake media BS. Let Trump continue to roll, Vance to help, and let's see how the debate goes. Even a liberal can see she's scared to face questions on her own.
I 100% believe this, and they are trying THEIR BEST to make Republican loose enthusiasm
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Well they're not denting the enthusiasm of this republican. They can kiss my ass and pray for mercy.
All of us here pay attention. We KNOW who they are. (They F'N HATE THAT) They are unamerican lying scum. They are so different than we are. We love Americas...they love make US pay for THEIR stupid chit, that THEIR politicians enrich themselves with OUR money.