Hunter Biden investigation


Ring of Honor
Mar 29, 2002
One writer on Red State posits that the outcome will lead to Ole Joe's resignation and Kommie-la's ascendancy into POTUS.
However, she is already being tied into the China/Hunter fiasco herself.
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If Trump isnt pres and the crook and the ho are in office and the Senate remains pub they better not back-fill the VP and slow play it to 2022. Then they need to retake the house so Kevin McCarthy ( would rather Jim Jordan or some uber conservative be speaker then pres but it would likely be Mc. )becomes pres instead of Pelosi.
And while we are dreaming I will dream big. It was said a while back that the Speaker does not have to be a member of the House. How Awesome for me would it be if Ted Cruz was made speaker just so he could become president after the ho was removed.

Or if Chinagte takes out enough dems to flip the house now then make Trump Speaker indict Kamala and impeach Biden. Or still wait until 2022 ( 10 years max time a person can be prez) and make Trump speaker remove the two clowns and Trump gets a 10 year presidency after re-election in 2024. Ghost just wet himself.

Or Cruz serves 2 years, nominates himself for SCOTUS and his VP Trump assumes office after election in 2024.

Or... man this could really go on for a while.... :)
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