How’s the “Revolution” goin’?

Also, I tased a man who was beating his neighbors ass, both the husband and the wife....anywho, one of the leads went awry and hit him south of ass but north of sack...

"God@#^! tased me in my fv#k!ng taint ASSHOLE!!!"

I still laugh. He still does not.
You guys are giving that dork way too much attention. I’m done with him, like the other losers who have nothing to add.
Laugh it up Sad. When it happens, and it will, I hope you are on the right side. Trump is gearing up as we speak and he will rise up and save this country. He will not let Hiden and the dims ruin this country. Choose wisely.....
You are a fantasist for sure. The fat traitor is just where he belongs, playing lots of golf before he is arrested.
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You are a fantasist for sure. The fat traitor is just where he belongs, playing lots of golf before he is arrested.

Yawn. Do Libtards still believe this dumb shit? Quick hold your breath and let me know when he’s arrested.
Back to the revolution and not farting tainted sock accounts.

"Article V Convention of States: Backstop against runaway statism

A few years ago, former South Carolina Republican Sen. Jim DeMint said: "The United States is a terminal patient on an unsustainable course. Calling an Article V Convention of States would be too risky not to attempt."

He is more right today than even then...

There is risk in all things in life, but the potential benefit of an Article V Convention of States far outweighs the miniscule risk, as it takes two thirds of states, 34 of 50, just to convene a Convention, and a full three quarters (38 of 50) of all states to amend the Constitution...

In other words, Mason was smart enough to realize that eventually politicians in the national government will abuse the power given to them, and the states and the people would be powerless to stop them. He knew, as should we all, that only saintly men like George Washington would choose to limit his own authority. Congress will never seek to amend the Constitution for the express purpose of limiting itself, nor the Executive or Judicial branches. It must be up to the states and the people to do so...

So we constitutional conservatives are expected to trust the founders' wisdom in all things – except for Article V? Anyone who believes this is neither conservative, nor a constitutionalist."

Brent Smith
Have they been proven? MSM isn’t reporting any of this so it must not be true
Of course it hasn’t been proven, except for the cheating at golf. But surely you are aware of many of the pending state investigations regarding his loans, tax returns, etc. He has the shelter of the Trump Organization, so I doubt anything will result in jail time but it’s possible. Probably just heavy fines.

I can link some of the claims and investigations if you wish.
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Of course it hasn’t been proven, except for the cheating at gold. But surely you are aware of many of the pending state investigations regarding his loans, tax returns, etc. He has the shelter of the Trump Organization, so I doubt anything will result in jail time but it’s possible. Probably just heavy fines.

I can link some of the claims and investigations if you wish.
No, if nothing will come of it as you say then the point is moot
Yeah, just your typical billionaire financial shenanigans. Nothing out of the ordinary.
You’re smarter than that. How many people should we charge on wall street alone for the same crimes? How about Pelosi and our grifting politicians who partake in insider trading everyday and we all turn a blind eye?

Don’t act like these people are all innocent when their not. We get it, you have a hard on for Trump, it’s easy to see. We live in a two tier justice system whether we both like it or not.

However, I will not get upset over a nothing burger until charges are brought and there is substantial evidence. Sorry, not subscribing to your cup of tea over hearsay.
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You’re smarter than that. How many people should we charge on wall street alone for the same crimes? How about Pelosi and our grifting politicians who partake in insider trading everyday and we all turn a blind eye?

Don’t act like these people are all innocent when their not. We get it, you have a hard on for Trump, it’s easy to see. We live in a two tier justice system whether we both like it or not.

However, I will not get upset over a nothing burger until charges are brought and there is substantial evidence. Sorry, not subscribing to your cup of tea over hearsay.
I was serious. I agree, much of Wall Street and our politicians do shady stuff. That was my point.

And you admitted that you have a hard on for Biden. So we're even.
  • Haha
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Have you “Patriots” been able to get your wives to put down their Yeti cups and Starbucks cards yet?

...well, maybe everyone is having a great weekend...Go America!!!!!!

Its easier to just wait 4 more yrs..... Lol
Laugh it up Sad. When it happens, and it will, I hope you are on the right side. Trump is gearing up as we speak and he will rise up and save this country. He will not let Hiden and the dims ruin this country. Choose wisely.....

Lol hes golfing....
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No Yeti cups!

Slow but steady.

I am about 1/3 the way through "How to Opt Out of the Technocratic State."

I have opened 5 protonmail accounts and have changed the email on 13 accounts over to my proton accounts.

Lost my Venmo password so I am using an old phone to do transactions.

On to do list:
Studying Delaware corps and registering as a foreign biz (just means out of state) in TN to remain anonymous to the public. I don't want to end up like the Gab CEO and have my personal financial life affected by my business. He cant even get a credit card in his name due to being banned for running a free speech platform.

Epik domain ( Gab and Parler use them)

9 more accounts to transfer over to proton mail

Need a burner phone to sign up for Rumble and some other social media sites. More privacy as I prep to launch an anonymous vblog.

Dynamic DNS to prevent IP blocking by big tech.

Looking at 3 Raspberry Pi servers. I am going to get a Pi4 for one of these but look to lower end for the other 2 as long as performance isn't trashed.

1 to launch my media biz
1 to create my own cloud service for myself using Next Cloud
1 for an internal media server

Appen for side income

Studying with my wife medical coding for income when we start traveling.

Need to figure out tax implications of using crypto for payment if necessary. Plan on using Subscribe Star but need crypto as a backup.

Meanwhile the Arena opened up under limited conditions and I have been running the non-profit.

Lol but u still post on here
No I am not. The only troll on this board is that wanna be “veteran” whose balls you gargle on.

Full disclosure...I have no idea to whom you are referring.

FTR...that's not a reflection on the number of veteran's balls I gargle. 🤣
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Them sock accounts are busy this am.

And yes My wife and I are both veterans. Gladly served, even for those with multiple personality and attention seeking disorders

Oh, he meant you?

I didn't realize that you were a veteran. Thanks for your service.

Wash your balls plz. 😆
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I don’t really care. Hell, unless I’m playing for money, I cheat at golf.


I don’t really care. Hell, unless I’m playing for money, I cheat at golf.

I said was a (ridiculous) pun.

I don't care either.