Hey Socks


Gator Great
Jan 30, 2002
Gosh, I actually found someone I gotta tell you about because they are so funny. First I have a family and friends and we get together be it for dinner parties, to go to Bucs or Rays games or to play some Golf, Tennis or Pickleball. That or some event or Birthday party with one of our many children. That is why I’m hardly ever posting on here. Well this guy has multiple names he goes by but, I decided to look at his posts from just one and he is on here everyday but, not only that but, I’m talking like every hour and he thinks he’s funny and a political genius but, he is absolutely clueless. I’d call him a nerd but, I’d be insulting real Nerds. So, while we’re out on dates or at events on the weekend he or she is on The Locker Room or The Parking Lot posting until 1 or 2am only to do it first thing in the morning. Hilarious don’t you think? Of course unlike guys like us who do the Premium pay part of Rivals this guy hasn’t ever paid Rivals a Dime. And although I absolutely school him with my comments he thinks he’s tough hiding behind the keyboard. Probably never been in a fight in his life and by his comments he’s never played a down of football.

Funny isn’t it? I’m not going to say his name but, he’ll be reading this shortly as like I said he lives on this site. ( One day this past weekend he was on at 8am, 9am, 10:30am, Noon, 2,3and 4pm, 8pm, 9pm, 10 and 11:30pm and a couple around 1am-1:30am ). WOW, I’m sorry but, I about fall over laughing when I see that. My wife showed her hot single friend ( kinda looks like a 30ish Meg Ryan ) and she read his posts, laughed and said “I’d really love to meet him, he sounds really dreamy.” She paused for about ten seconds and real loudly said, “NOT!!!!” We all busted out laughing.

Later buddy. How’s that little dog of yours? My 90lbs. girl got into it with a Pitbull the other day. She isn’t afraid of anything luckily we broke it up quickly.
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Pickleball huh....................


I think I’m missing part of the story because I have no idea what the point of the OP is. Just clearly who it’s directed at.
Tl; Dr version:

Shime is insane and seeks constant external validation for his allegedly awesome life and thinks that stalking how much other people post on the board is proof that we're obsessed with him.

dm for a longer explanation.
  • Haha
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Tl; Dr version:

Shime is insane and seeks constant external validation for his allegedly awesome life and thinks that stalking how much other people post on the board is proof that we're obsessed with him.

dm for a longer explanation.
There was definitely some time but into the OP. lol. I’m on here a lot too. I must also be a loser.
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Tl; Dr version:

Shime is insane and seeks constant external validation for his allegedly awesome life and thinks that stalking how much other people post on the board is proof that we're obsessed with him.

dm for a longer explanation.
Well all I know is some fake hot girl he knows fake laughed at some of your posts and now you're cooked.

That much is clear.
And although I absolutely school him with my comments he thinks he’s tough hiding behind the keyboard. Probably never been in a fight in his life
Oooo missed this. 😂

and by his comments he’s never played a down of football.
Imagine basing your worth on a sport you played in high school.

Let me guess, you once scored 4 touchdowns.... IN A SINGLE GAME!!
I'm not sure what pickleball is. Much to the disappointment of my senior singles champion of north central Florida for l5 years old man, I don't give a rats hind teat about tennis.
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I'm not sure what pickleball is. Much to the disappointment of my senior singles champion of north central Florida for 16l5 years old man, I don't give a rats hind teat about tennis. are going to be impressed. I'm old AF and just learned the seniors are mad about pickleball. These people are older and feeble AF. It's the 2024 version of shuffleboard, as portrayed by Tim Conway if you remember that guy. 😂



Yup, just as I thought:
Tennis is a sport for life. Until you die.
But tennis is under pressure from a new fad, though new might be the wrong word since the people bringing us this nuisance all qualify for Medicare.
This nuisance is pickleball.
You might have seen people playing pickleball in your town. You have certainly heard them playing since pickleball involves a hard paddle smacking a hard, wiffle ball. Imagine a stoned woodpecker going to town on a plastic pipe. Thwack thwack thwack. That’s the dulcet tones of pickleball.
I don’t care if people want to try something new for exercise. If The Villages wants to add pickleball courts to their marketing material, good for them. Moving six inches, side to side, has some health benefits. Don’t get pickleball mania FOMO! Buy equipment with money withdrawn from your Fidelity 401K without penalty.
My complaint is this: the upswing in retirees wanting to play pickleball should not come at the expense of another sport. I’m the resident pickleball grump, and while it might seem like low-stakes anger, taking over public tennis courts for pickleball points to a larger problem: older, white people feel entitled to space not meant for them. And they take it.

Pickleball is a parasite​

I live in Newport, Rhode Island, home of the International Tennis Hall of Fame. Tennis is a big deal here, and yet we aren’t immune to the thwack thwack thwack. The city converted one of the public tennis courts to three pickleball courts and then painted distracting pickleball lines on five other tennis courts.
That meant an immediate reduction of access to tennis. You can play pickleball on a tennis court, but not vice versa.
Pickleball isn’t tennis. Tennis is a ballet that uses a racquet with strings, moving a fuzz-covered rubber ball 78 feet, baseline to baseline. It’s graceful and lovely. Now, with pickleball, you could make your own equipment using a cheeseboard, an old fishing net, and a walnut you found in the yard. It’s cornpone and awkward.
The nets used in pickleball are shorter than tennis nets, so Peggy and Burt futz with the tennis straps when they take over a court, putting strain on the equipment and not returning things the way they found them. The hard balls damage the court surface. It’s why towns usually ask you to not rollerblade on tennis courts.
Pickleballers congregate and don’t respect time limits when folks are waiting because they believe in something called “open pickleball.” No wonder the highest rates of STD growth is also with the age group who love pickleball. They are so open! Causation or correlation?
And not only do they demand space — physical and aural –, they also want to appropriate public funds to expand their hobby. Our local children need basketball courts and a skate park, but the pickelabllers want to jump the money line even though you can literally play pickleball in a parking lot. All you need is some chalk, a portable net, and three friends you met at the Republican National Convention Golden Oldies mixer.
Last month, the city of Newport had to crack down on the pickelabllers because their exclusive courts are in a densely populated historic neighborhood, i.e. a part of town with a neighborhood association. White people fighting! The city restricted the court hours and added new rules like “no alcohol,” “no music,” “no chairs,” and “please don’t block driveways when parking.”
If you need music, seating, and booze to enjoy your sport, admit your sport is belongs in a bar. You are playing ping pong with a bigger ball. The bigger ball is key since the eyes go as we age.

There are two couples I know of in our neighborhood that play pickle ball. All are libs. Go figure. And WTF is a "dinner party"?

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