Hey Ghost...still in denial that we are in a health crisis?

...and if Trump were currently a Democrat, you’d be screaming to vote him out because he destroyed the economy over a hoax...see how that works “critical” thinker? (Wink)

He's saying let's go back to work as soon as possible.

The dems are saying we have to stay in our houses 18 months minimum and everyone vote by mail in November.

Seriously, do you sheep even think about what the dems want to do?

What happens if this economy stays shut down for 18 months?

Seriously, what happens?
So we're switching topics...Bradley must think he's got to open up another lineofattack.
All TDS, all the time. :confused:o_O
And you and the rest of the crew all have Trump Defense Syndrome all the time. As if this clown can do no wrong. It’s laughable.
The smartest woman in the world ran for the long-legged Mack Daddy's third term.

After attending a Yankees game with Bill, Bill O'Reilly told Chris Salcedo of WBAP AM in Cow Town, "Bill is smart, Hillary is stupid."

Bill offered Hillary some campaign tips. Hillary had all the answers.
The smartest woman in the world ran for the long-legged Mack Daddy's third term.

After attending a Yankees game with Bill, Bill O'Reilly told Chris Salcedo of WBAP AM in Cow Town, "Bill is smart, Hillary is stupid."

Bill offered Hillary some campaign tips. Hillary had all the answers.
The smartest woman in the world ran for the long-legged Mack Daddy's third term.

After attending a Yankees game with Bill, Bill O'Reilly told Chris Salcedo of WBAP AM in Cow Town, "Bill is smart, Hillary is stupid."

Bill offered Hillary some campaign tips. Hillary had all the answers.

Slick was the first Black President

this is who @bradleygator @BSC911 @urtren @gring voted for

How smart could 'slick willie' really be if he married that ugly witch? :confused:

On the other hand, he might have been just smart enough to not wind up as her 1st Arkancide victim, for saying no to her.... :eek:
I have a couple of key questions for our 'always helpful' governments, state & federal.

How may otherwise healthy people infected with Co-V have died after being treated with Hydroxychloroquine? o_O

How many otherwise healthy people infected with Co-V have died while NOT being treated with Hydroxychloroquine? :cool:

Those with high risk should not figure into this, old, retired, and already having problem.
(I'm in the high risk group and I'd demand to be given Hydroxychloroquine, but that's me)
For those unwilling to take it,,, Here's your sign....

Larry the Cable Guy:
My gran-maw died last week at 102.
~ What did she die of?
She was 102. o_O
~ Yeah, but what killed her? :confused:
Well, she wrecked her Harley up at bike-week,,, :eek: but they saved the baby. -- :D;):D

Bill Engvall --- HERE'S YOUR SIGN.... o_O
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You leftists, liberals should rep your party very well. I mean, people like Michael Rapaport. I loved his role in Higher Learning when he eventually joined a Neo Nazi group showing the Democrats true colors and ultimately capping his own dumbass in the mouth with a 9mm after he capped Tyra Banks. Way to rep, libtards. He just can't stop showing his stupidity.
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