Heartbreak for the dems: Barr says trannies shouldn't complete in female sports

Our country is at a point where the AG has to publicly denounce disgustingly vile behavior that is the accepted norm of the democratic party.
Finally, a pragmatic decision made on this topic. Men are created to be stronger/faster than women. Break off and create your own mentally ill Olympics and then every nutjob can compete in it.
Maybe even most democrats would agree with the AG when they see their biological daughters coming home crying after being aced out again by a trans. But then again, maybe not since the cause may be more important then their own daughters.

The cause is definitely more important to dems. Hell they are trying to trash their own country now for their causes.

These people are sick.
Maybe even most democrats would agree with the AG when they see their biological daughters coming home crying after being aced out again by a trans. But then again, maybe not since the cause may be more important then their own daughters.
Dreamers lack the pragmatic part of the brain that would be necessary to make that assessment. In their mind, they're too intelligent to have common sense.
Difference being they weren't girls trans-ing into boys, right?
Actually, these two females were attractive athletes. You wouldn't be able to recognize that about them for both being barely 5 ft tall and barely weighing 100 lbs. But no, they were born and still females to this day.
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