He said he would do it and he has


Baby Gator
Jul 31, 2016

The White House • July 27, 2018

Earlier this Morning
President Donald J. Trump announced second-quarter GDP growth of 4.1 percent—putting America on track to hit its highest annual average growth rate in more than a decade.

Watch the President’s announcement here.

U.S. Steel is back
“Hiding in plain sight in a suburb of St. Louis is one of the great success stories of President Donald J. Trump’s tough trade policies,” National Trade Council DirectorPeter Navarro says. “This is the rebirth of the Granite City steelworks, idled in 2015 — along with about 2,000 steelworkers — under a drowning flood of subsidized foreign imports.”

President Trump visited Granite City yesterday, where U.S. Steel is restarting its blast furnaces and putting hundreds of Americans back to work. “Our steel towns became ghost towns. More than 70,000 hardworking Americans lost their jobs, their hope, and their way of life,” President Trump told workers in Illinois. “After years of shutdowns and cutbacks, today the blast furnace here in Granite City is blazing bright.”

It’s never been a better time to enter the American workforce. For the first time on record, “there are more job openings in the economy today than there are people looking for jobs,” Labor Secretary Alex Acosta told students during a visit with President Trump to Northeast Iowa Community College. That statistic is crucial for Americans on welfare, as work programs offer the surest pathway out of poverty.

Watch: President Trump’s tariffs bring hope, prosperity back to Granite City.

More: Work is the best way to escape poverty—and the numbers prove it.


Something to share: ‘Made in America’ from all 50 states
President Trump hosted his second “Made in America” showcase at the White House this week. Companies large and small joined the celebration on the South Lawn—“products made with American heart, American sweat, and American pride,” the President said
And while he hasn't been the friend of the second we had hoped, his judges are.

And that’s really where it matters

....I love how there are bunches of Dems running for house elections coming out in favor of gun control .... they really want to lose in November
Well somehow they've convinced otherwise reasonable people like Sad that you can ban the guns that would be best used for fighting your government if you had to and still respect the 2nd Amendment,
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Military grade weapons is what are protected.... the only outright gun ban ever upheld by SCOTUS was on saw-off shotguns, precisely because they had no military value

The true constitutions developed as an agreement between those that ruled and those subjecting themselves to rule, that certain rights are granted to cease and/or avoid war and uprising - ours, the Magna Carta, some other countries emerging from colonialism..... but if those being ruled allow themselves to be bereft of weapons, it kinda lets the rulers act without recourse......insurrection is the only recourse when even the judiciary becomes corrupted (eg Venezuela)
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Well, perhaps you’re right; maybe the Dems have already chased supporters of the Constitution out of the party.... congrats?
People on the left, right and middle do the same thing......they pick and choose the laws they like. The Constitution has nothing to do with it. If the 2nd amendment was overturned, would you suddenly quit obsessing over guns?
People on the left, right and middle do the same thing......they pick and choose the laws they like. The Constitution has nothing to do with it. If the 2nd amendment was overturned, would you suddenly quit obsessing over guns?

No, I would break the law -
I would not abide
Exactly! You don't give a chit about the Constitution. You just cherish the 2nd now because you think it supports your obsession with guns.

How does my support of the 2nd Amendment constitute not supporting the constitution - do you phucking even understand the Constitution?? No you do not....the first amendments of the Constitution are re the most important bulwarks of a free society

Your logic is so phucked up and flawed here, there’s no sense in explaining how losing one of the fundamental rights breaks the whole thing

I’m done with you
How does my support of the 2nd Amendment constitute not supporting the constitution - do you phucking even understand the Constitution?? No you do not....the first amendments of the Constitution are re the most important bulwarks of a free society

Your logic is so phucked up and flawed here, there’s no sense in explaining how losing one of the fundamental rights breaks the whole thing

I’m done with you
I don't blame you. You can't back yourself any further into the corner. :D
The bill of rights are natural laws. It out outlines inalienable rights, rights the government cant interfere with. So if the government repealed the 2nd, Id tell them to kiss my ass, because i was born with the natural right of self defense.
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