Harris border tsar

Axios claimed Harris was BORDER Czar before they started scrubbing their old articles.

In an article from April 2021 covering Harris’s visits to Mexico and Guatemala to address migration levels, Axios wrote that the Vice President was “appointed by Biden as border czar.” Another article, covering her appointment to the role in March 2021, was headlined “Biden puts Harris in charge of border crisis.” The latter article was authored by Axios politics reporter Stef Knight — the same journalist who wrote today’s piece denying that Harris was placed in charge of the border!

Axios claimed Harris was BORDER Czar before they started scrubbing their old articles.

In an article from April 2021 covering Harris’s visits to Mexico and Guatemala to address migration levels, Axios wrote that the Vice President was “appointed by Biden as border czar.” Another article, covering her appointment to the role in March 2021, was headlined “Biden puts Harris in charge of border crisis.” The latter article was authored by Axios politics reporter Stef Knight — the same journalist who wrote today’s piece denying that Harris was placed in charge of the border!

The Hill showed this hypocrisy and lying, by Axios.
You so underestimate the stupidity of the leftist sheep.

War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
No I am not. Lefties never change their mind. The people in the middle do. You think any of the snowflakes that post here would EVER vote for Trump? They replaced a brain dead candidate with someone who has the most far left policies and they are all on camera, hundreds of times. Not even the lying left and the media can make them go away. Today the ho is as close as she will ever be in this election. If their direction is to try to convince voters she is tough on the border, crime, and great on the economy, I think it is a 100% losing strategy
No I am not. Lefties never change their mind. The people in the middle do. You think any of the snowflakes that post here would EVER vote for Trump? They replaced a brain dead candidate with someone who has the most far left policies and they are all on camera, hundreds of times. Not even the lying left and the media can make them go away. Today the ho is as close as she will ever be in this election. If their direction is to try to convince voters she is tough on the border, crime, and great on the economy, I think it is a 100% losing strategy
Yeah, but have you noticed NOT A SINGLE one of them, (other than our pet rock) has been back here since The Toe got coronated? :p😂
Just saw a thing on Fox where Chris Hansen's "to catch a pedo" show just did a sting in Alabama where 5 guys were caught coming to a house to have sex with an under age girl. Three of them were illegal immigrants. Was on a segment on Jesse Waters show just now, he had Hansen on and showed the video of it.
This is very simple. Votes are way more important than crime for the democratic elite. The party has been this way for a few hundred years.
I am certainly in favor of stronger borders and stopping illegals, but this stuff about them being criminals or mentally ill.....or voting is just more Trump bullshit. Facts don't support that.
I am certainly in favor of stronger borders and stopping illegals, but this stuff about them being criminals or mentally ill.....or voting is just more Trump bullshit. Facts don't support that.
You do not believe something Trump never said? GOOD. But let me educate YOU, and all the other soft libs. IF ONE PERSON DIES from an illegal alien who entered our Country...IT IS TOO MANY...when they never should have been here in the first place. But guess what. It is NOT one. there are senseless rapes ALL OVER America...many on young teenagers from these illegals. There are 75000 fentanyl deaths PER YEAR. So take this ridiculous lib BS somewhere else until YOU are ready to go to a victims family and tell THEM they are not bad people. Out of about 12-15 MILLION JJB and the ho let in....there are PLENTY that are bad. One more thing...go google crime statistics in Venezuela and see how their crime has PLUMMETED since they emptied their prisons and most of these people came here. Lastly...they released 100 people on the terror watch list in to our Country. Yes..your hero lefty nut jobs released these terrorists AMONG US. What kind of idiot can even TRY to justify that? Answer that one for us!
I am certainly in favor of stronger borders and stopping illegals, but this stuff about them being criminals or mentally ill.....or voting is just more Trump bullshit. Facts don't support that.
You don't get it. It's not illegals voting that's the issue (only about 6% do according to this study).

The problem is mail-in voting. Voters no longer win elections, ballots do. States with motor voter laws are automatically registering migrants to vote without checking for federal citizenship status. This allows the municipality to flood the zone with ballots, harvest those ballots, and steal elections.

And when you consider that 150k strategically harvested votes in key swing states is all it takes...

The longer game has more to do with the census and the House, but that's 10 years down the road.

And before you pop off about mail-in voting being safe, here's your beloved NYT pointing out the myriad of issues with it after FL turned red in 2012.

Our government has been turned into our most dangerous enemy!
You don't get it. It's not illegals voting that's the issue (only about 6% do according to this study).

The problem is mail-in voting. Voters no longer win elections, ballots do. States with motor voter laws are automatically registering migrants to vote without checking for federal citizenship status. This allows the municipality to flood the zone with ballots, harvest those ballots, and steal elections.

And when you consider that 150k strategically harvested votes in key swing states is all it takes...

The longer game has more to do with the census and the House, but that's 10 years down the road.

And before you pop off about mail-in voting being safe, here's your beloved NYT pointing out the myriad of issues with it after FL turned red in 2012.

He will just say it doesn't happen, even though it's been reported over and over again that PA received and counted something like 170,000 more ballots then were sent out in 2020. WTF???????
He will just say it doesn't happen, even though it's been reported over and over again that PA received and counted something like 170,000 more ballots then were sent out in 2020. WTF???????
That's a different deal.

I don't know where those ballots came from (pre-printed from overseas?), but there are several municipalities that appear to have processed ballots that were never folded, had printer ink instead of hand ink on the bubbles and only had the Presidential election filled out (i.e. no downballot races). Happened in GA, PA, and MI. Several audits and first-person testimonials cited this, but nothing was ever done.

Trump almost broke the system in 2020. He's going to have to do that again, and really outperform in swing states and steal a few purple states (like VA) that they aren't expecting to have to cheat in to win this cycle.

IMO there's no way it happens, and if he becomes President-elect he better hide out and have several food tasters. I really feel like we're way more Venezuela than anyone wants to admit.
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This is why the border is the #1 issue. This video is from 2010, so you can multiply his immigration numbers by 10x-20x (depending on what statistics you believe).

It ruins both countries, it's an endless loop and it creates more suffering by taking the most industrious people in these countries away.


This is why the border is the #1 issue. This video is from 2010, so you can multiply his immigration numbers by 10x-20x (depending on what statistics you believe).

It ruins both countries, it's an endless loop and it creates more suffering by taking the most industrious people in these countries away.

It's not for me. It's not even in my top 10 but do you.
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It's not for me. It's not even in my top 10 but do you.
If you can watch that video and not understand how important borders are to a civilized society - and how open borders are mutually destructive - you are hopelessly lost.

It has a massive effect on any and every important aspect:
1) Economy
2) Culture/Language
3) Defense/safety
4) Education
5) Health care

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