Hamas attacks Israel

The difference in opinions on what action to take immediately will depend on 2 things imo.

On a personal level:
Do you, or do you not, have any relatives or close friends being held as hostages.

On a National politics level:
Because the decision could decide if they live or die, which is always a prime consideration with a small population country that puts a lot of value on their citizens.
As a Nation you do not act on a personal act on what is best for your Country. And NEVER let a little chit box terrorist group dictate to you...or you will be in even GREATER trouble
As a Nation you do not act on a personal act on what is best for your Country. And NEVER let a little chit box terrorist group dictate to you...or you will be in even GREATER trouble
There are many ways to 'skin a cat' Capt. (slit the throat an wait a minute before starting) 😉

In this case, I'm happy to let the 'on the scene' Israelis decide how to go about the skinning....
There are many ways to 'skin a cat' Capt. (slit the throat an wait a minute before starting) 😉

In this case, I'm happy to let the 'on the scene' Israelis decide how to go about the skinning....
They will do as I described above. I think they will make an attempt to rescue hostages, then all hell is unleashes.
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I so agree. I have never seen this. FJB should have to watch this every day for the rest of his life. So should DEI Lloyd Austin. This is what happens when democrats try to do war.
Well, they're both insane and stupid so I'm not sure what making them watch is going to do other than enforce what they already think. They should be summarily executed for treason in my opinion. ...
Well, they're both insane and stupid so I'm not sure what making them watch is going to do other than enforce what they already think. They should be summarily executed for treason in my opinion. ...

Kal thinks Loyd Austin was qualified and not a DEI hire?

He should be tried for treason and murder along with the another dirt bags that allowed this
I guess 6 hostages + at least are still alive if they aren't lying. Not sure how those kids died but even if it was from an Israeli attack you can't expect Israel not to act. We know these Hamas types put hostages near vital things and obvious places that would be targeted.
Or more likely they were killed during torture, sorry they do not get the benefit of the doubt ...
Just a side fact to consider.
Never attempt to avoid the violence of any war by staying out of the military.
Because in every war, more civilians are killed than military personal.....

There are also no 'conditional wars' fought.
All wars are unconditional before they are finally ended.
And the winning side always decides who the war criminals are and are not.....

Will not be much longer..."stuff" about to hit the fan, and Hamas will be no longer.
But they will quickly be replaced by others of the same Ilk....

Good and Evil will always be with us, so choose a side and get busy....