Hamas attacks Israel

Yikes!! Talk about brand degradation. :oops: Only a hag that @sadgator could covet. :p;)
I am doing my best to drag @sadgator back in here. Sad is a sad sack as far as politics go, but he is still one of my favorite Gator posters. He's like on the Mount Rushmore of all of us idiot Gator posters. 😂 Sincerely, this is a compliment, at least 20 years of hanging out here with all of us other retards means something. lol
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Just watched the documentary/movie "We will dance again". It was live camera footage from people at the concert of the terrorist attack, AND Hamas body cams of the attack. At one part..hamas was throwing hand grenades in a shelter, and the kids NINE TIMES threw the grenade back outside. Let me put it this way. I do not care HOW MANY palestinians Israel kills. Not one little bit. These people are worse than animals, and deserve to NOT live on this planet. I have ZERO sympathy for ANY of them. If you like to see what really happened, I highly recommend this. I hope Israel ends every damn one of their lives.


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