Georgia Falls

"My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders, sometime in the future with energy that's as green and sustainable as we can get it, powering growth and opportunity for every person in the hemisphere," Clinton reportedly said to investors in a paid speech she gave to Brazilian Banco Itau in 2013.
Reportedly. That’s pretty weak. Take her actual words.

It was an economic speech. I take that she is for open trade. Which is a pretty conservative position.
That’s fine. I respect everyone’s right to their opinion, and how they vote.

Just make sure all the legal votes are counted.

I’ll worry about that when it happens. It would depend on what the makeup of his cabinet is, and which legislation he proposes. I know you guys don’t believe it, but Biden is actually pretty moderate.
You said it “legal”. I’m good with a Trump defeat as long as it’s legal, the statistical probability says otherwise.
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I would be interested to see your comment on the thread with the statistical improbabilities of this election. I’m a numbers guy, and as I said before it is highly unlikely the turnout was this high, especially in the Dem’s favor.
Didnt see it. But high turnouts aren’t statistical improbabilities. Trump got a lot more votes than last election.
You said it “legal”. I’m good with a Trump defeat as long as it’s legal, the statistical probability says otherwise.
Not really. People don't vote based on statistics. There were only two choices, so statistically one had to win. Statistically, Dems tended to more often use mail in voting (not true in Arizona). Thats why the numbers are changing.
Why don't @BSC911 and @JIMBO1313 want a legal election? Why are they fighting this?

Seems un-American to me.
MR Malone I started off with the premise that elections are legal. When you and Trump started losing then all of a sudden there was according to Trump a lot of cheating going on. I don't recall ever saying I wanted anything not legal. Please quit throwing b.s. out there. You lost, bottom line.
The blowout will be the final electoral votes. But like four years ago, the election is a lot closer than the final numbers will indicate. The difference is that Trump lost the close states after winning them four years ago. I knew it would be close no matter who won.

1. The overnight dump votes were a result of not counting the mail in ballots until after Election Day. That was dictated by the REPUBLICAN state legislature. This was not new. if they had done like many other states and counted them before the Election Day, you never would have even noticed.

2. There are poll observers, also as dictated by law. To think that the poll workers are cheating and can just pick the winners is just nonsense and frankly, just sour grapes.
A court order to allow poll watchers to be 6 feet away was not followed. Why?
MR Malone I started off with the premise that elections are legal. When you and Trump started losing then all of a sudden there was according to Trump a lot of cheating going on. I don't recall ever saying I wanted anything not legal. Please quit throwing b.s. out there. You lost, bottom line.

If there's no cheating then why are you opposed to investigating to see if dems cheated or not?

Not wanting a free and legal election isn't very American.
A court order to allow poll watchers to be 6 feet away was not followed. Why?
Don't know the specifics, but it was the same for both observers. I believe it was to accommodate the counters, but ultimately changed.
MR Malone I started off with the premise that elections are legal. When you and Trump started losing then all of a sudden there was according to Trump a lot of cheating going on. I don't recall ever saying I wanted anything not legal. Please quit throwing b.s. out there. You lost, bottom line.
Ahh the bull shitter is back!!!
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Go back to the fries buddy, and I would like to super size that too.
You must be feeding your stomach because after the loss your ego can't be that hungry. Just for the record, I have had enough of this election crap so I am signing off and this is the last YOU will be hearing from me. Got to answer some of your cronies on the board and I will say sayonara to them also.
Why are dems so opposed to us looking for voter fraud?

If they didn't cheat, they have nothing to worry about. Simple as that.
Why would I be bitter? My guy won. Plus I got a split Congress like I wanted, and conservative SC justices.

i hit the jackpot this year.
Your guy won? A senile, stupid mother phucker, Doesn't know if he's running for Senate or Pres? That speaks volumes about you. Oh, and in case you forgot. The leftards will be 25th amendmenting your street urchin out the door and putting the camel toe in command soon. Who will be your 1st pimp in the White House at that point?
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