FOX NEWS:Wearing a mask cuts own risk of novel coronavirus by 65 percent, experts say

Casting stones, rationalizing sin, and promoting the murdering of innocent babies. You have had quite a day, Sir.
Where is your righteous indignation when trump mocks/disparages women and war heroes, has numerous alleged sexual assaults (brags about it as well), commits adultery, cages children, etc?
Where is your righteous indignation when trump mocks/disparages women and war heroes, has numerous alleged sexual assaults (brags about it as well), commits adultery, cages children, etc?

Where is yours when Biden attacks women, calls them liars, threatens to beat up the elderly, or when he is demeaning and racist to black people?
The answer is they both are likely bad options but this is where we are at.
Where is your righteous indignation when trump mocks/disparages women and war heroes, has numerous alleged sexual assaults (brags about it as well), commits adultery, cages children, etc?
I can not apologize/repent for Trump's transgressions nor do I support them, Sir. If you truly had your feelings hurt then you are quite emotionally weak and I will pray for your emotional healing and strength.