Football players make so many selfish, stupid actions on the field (Georgia excessive celebration)


Ring of Honor
Mar 29, 2002
If the stupid focking Georgia player just leaves his helmet on, Georgia wins the game.


Cam Newton waltzes into the End Zone for the 2 point conversion, only to get knocked the phuck out because we was showboating like an arrogant prick.

What is wrong with keeping your helmet on as long as you are in the field of play and what's wrong with finishing a run into the end zone and handing the ball to the ref?

If you are beaten by a great play from the other team, that happens and you move on.

When you cost you team because you had to be a selfish asshole, it's inexcusable.
I see both sides. I mean UGA had just completed a bomb to take the lead with a few seconds left. Crowd is going crazy, sideline is going crazy, and players on the field are celebrating. It's easy to get caught up in that moment.

Either way Smart was the one that cost them the game. They're already backed up 15 yards from the penalty why the hell would you pooch kick and give them an even shorter field? Kick the ball deep and they're not even in a position for a Hail Mary.
I see both sides. I mean UGA had just completed a bomb to take the lead with a few seconds left. Crowd is going crazy, sideline is going crazy, and players on the field are celebrating. It's easy to get caught up in that moment.

Either way Smart was the one that cost them the game. They're already backed up 15 yards from the penalty why the hell would you pooch kick and give them an even shorter field? Kick the ball deep and they're not even in a position for a Hail Mary.

If you are on the field and the game is not over, you leave your helmet on.

Caught up in the moment is bullshit. That is a mob mentality. Is it ok to loot because you got caught up?

He got caught up in the moment, and as a result, it was only a moment he was able to get caught up in because they phugging lost the game.

They lost, so what exactly was he caught up in? Celebrating too early?

One saving grace is that it was a Georgia Bulldog player that cost his team the game.


I wish I was standing at one of the gate exits watching the Georgia fans leave after that game.
I don't see what the problem is with celebrations. I agree with taking off the helmets, because it was getting ridiculous. Helmets were coming off after every first down. But if a guy wants to signal first down, or do a sack dance or dab after a touchdown, who cares?

But with the rules in place, that is an inexcusable penalty.
I don't see what the problem is with celebrations. I agree with taking off the helmets, because it was getting ridiculous. Helmets were coming off after every first down. But if a guy wants to signal first down, or do a sack dance or dab after a touchdown, who cares?

But with the rules in place, that is an inexcusable penalty.

Willfully removing your helmet while on the field of play is a penalty....period. Don't do it.

It's not that tough to NOT take your helmet off. Thousands of players do it at every level every weekend.
Kirby Smart calling for a pooch kick was pretty stupid as well.

Wouldn't it have been nice for Georgia to kick off 15 yards closer to the Tennessee end zone?

Who was the stupid idiot that took his helmet off and cost his team the game? I bet he is a fan favorite right now.
We really needed UGA to win that game. (Not saying we would win the East if they did, but it would have been huge for UT to take that loss. It was a serious bummer.

The ONLY saving grace about that game is that the loser was Georgia. Thinking of all those Georgia fans getting their hearts ripped out makes me tingle and a bit turgid.
I'm never down after a UGA loss

But I'm joyful when UT wins.

Let's get our shit together starting with LSU and handle business.

Let UT worry about A&M, Bama, and slipping up against one of those East teams. They can't keep playing at this pace of counting on horseshoe's, shamrocks, and rabbit foot to win games.
Don't get your panties in a wad protecting your team. We know why the game was cancelled when all others were rescheduled.
Because LSU did not want to play 3 straight SEC roads games but were fine with the Gators having to do so.
The LSU whining is some of the bitchiest shit I have seen from a fanbase.

For those LSU fans that are attacking UF, I hope you lost friends, family, and property in Katrina.
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