FJB pardons Hunter . . . paving the way for Trump to pardon J6ers

Sadly, that's also the WRONG way to go about this, and a further abuse of the Presidential power granted by the SOVEREIGN CITIZENS in the Constitution, by the new President taking office.

Our continued Sovereignty is vastly more important imo, than getting the victims of the Demonrats out of their illegal incarcerations. (legally over-turned not un-Constitutionally pardoned)

While I also want them out of jail ASAP, there is a correct way to go about it, and this is not it imo.

Benjamin Franklin said “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety” and will soon have neither....

Not sure I agree here...he campaigned on this and won overwhelmingly. we really know what happened here? I think you will find out the government and Pelosi was in on this whole thing. He did not pardon anyone thaT HAD altercations with LEO's
So the blatant abuse of the pardon power is exercised by both parties president on successive days.

And we think we have come so far, smdh campaigned on it, and won the election. One lied about it, and did it anyway. And WHO he pardoned...before they were even charged is BLATENTLY telling. You would have to be an idiot to think they compare.
Thank you for letting me know that what I saw with my own eyes didn't really happen.
I don't what kind of lenses you were looking through but we were watching live on PBS and posting about it live here. It was a boy scout jamboree. Was there a bit of mischief? Yes. Looting, burning, shooting, and major destruction of property? No. 😂 :p

During what revolution in history did the rebels respect and observe the velvet ropes? 😂
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There is a very stong need for the Sovereign Citizens to know how much power their hired public servant has to circumvent their judicial system. There are rules and guidelines for pardons that should be followed, no matter which party's public servant sits in the Sovereign Citizens white house.

In a December 2020 interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper, Biden warned against then-outgoing President Trump issuing preemptive pardons to his adult children, his attorney Rudy Giuliani and possibly even one for himself before the Democrat’s Department of Justice took over.

“It concerns me in terms of what kind of precedent it sets and how the rest of the world looks (at) us as a nation of laws and justice,” Biden told Tapper during the joint interview with then-Vice President-elect Kamala Harris.

Former President Joe Biden said he was “concerned” about Donald Trump giving preemptive pardons to family members, according to a resurfaced interview from 2020 — before he went on to pardon his own son and siblings while doling out the highest number of presidential pardons, pre-emptive pardons, and commutations in US history.

“By pardoning, it’s basically an admission of guilt, and it’s pretty outrageous,” Rep. Dan Meuser told The Post on Tuesday. “He stated he wasn’t going to do this. He stated he wasn’t going to pardon Hunter. He stated he had nothing to do with his son’s business. We know those were all lies.” -- (two-faced lying PoS traitor imo)

In addition to his family members, Biden on Monday pardoned (imo murdering criminal) Dr. Anthony Fauci, retired (imo traitor) Gen. Mark Milley, and members of the House committee (imo dishonorable criminals) that investigated the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, fearing (their deserved justice) retribution from a resentful second-term Trump. (fearing needed justice from one of his own weaponized DoJ victims)

The move made him the first president to pardon people neither charged with nor suspected by law enforcement of committing a crime, according to the Washington Post.

Read the rest of the story here:
If someone wasa face to face with me and mentioned 1/6 I would display my best "texas fishing reel" to them. (for those who do not know what thaat is, it is a closed left hand held up, with the right hand reeling...and the middle finger pops up) You see...I saw all the riots and cities burning...and NOT A WORD from the left. Those POS's do not care about that...they hate US, so it is an area they see that they can attack. Well stealing elections do have consequences...and the BEST consequence that came out of it was TRUMP is stronger than he EVER would have been in a consecutive term. IT BACKFIRED on those idiots. EVERYTHING they do backfires because they do not understand REAL Americans. All of their energy is to disrupt now, even though they got a historic AZZ WHIPPING during the election. They STILL do not understand how...or why they lost. They STILL think THEY are right, and the majority of America is wrong. So spare me the BS....I will not chase that ridiculous BS while the same people watched people get killed, lose their businesses, and burned THEIR OWN cities. To put it VERY clearly...F THEM!
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Now go after the ones who have been identified and didn’t get charged (fbi plants) and even videoed trying to incite the crowd to riot…..those are the ones who people should be clamoring for, yet here we are with the unfairness of Trump pardons for those escorted through the Capitol building. Sounds about right, err left…….
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Just stop. Nobody who can think for themselves is going to pay any attention to you. You need to go bark up some other tree.
I guess you just skipped over all of those posts after mine before posting that moronic response...
And as far as the 'NOBODY' comment, try speaking for just yourself, you screw that up enough without attempting to speak for anyone else....

LMFAO at your usual illegal-shit clueless stupidity...
😂 🤣 😂
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I guess you just skipped over all of those post after mine before posting that moronic response...
And as far as the 'NOBODY' comment, try speaking for just yourself, you screw that up enough without attempting to speak or anyone else....

LMFAO at your usual illegal-shit clueless stupidity...
😂 🤣 😂
Illegal shitter has most of us on ignore. Why you might ask? 😂

I guess you just skipped over all of those post after mine before posting that moronic response...
And as far as the 'NOBODY' comment, try speaking for just yourself, you screw that up enough without attempting to speak or anyone else....

LMFAO at your usual illegal-shit clueless stupidity...
😂 🤣 😂
Your very insecure aren't you.

You have my pity.
Where are all of the WOKE democratic-socialist (democracy ending nazi's) on the OBSTRUCTION of JUSTICE by FJB's imo un-Constitutional misuse of the Presidential Pardon process??? (crickets as usual)
FJB's list of pardon's for criminals:

Yet another reason why CNN and MSN are both going under due to the corruption they are calling journalism. This is the current line of chit that they are attempting to push on the American public....
"My family has been subjected to unrelenting attacks and threats, motivated solely by a desire to hurt me -- the worst kind of partisan politics," Biden wrote in a statement. "Unfortunately, I have no reason to believe these attacks will end." (because of the Biden Crime Family's years of unprosecuted corruption)

"That is why I am exercising
(misusing) my power under the Constitution to pardon James B. Biden, Sara Jones Biden, Valerie Biden Owens, John T. Owens, and Francis W. Biden," he continued. "The issuance of these pardons should not be mistaken as an acknowledgment that they engaged in any wrongdoing, nor should acceptance be misconstrued as an admission of guilt for any offense." (cause that's exactly what I'm doing)

In the iG's OHO, the entire reason that he's attempting to grant pre-emptive pardons is exactly because ALL of THEM are as guilty as hell....

"I believe in the rule of law, (what a lying-ass joke that claim is) and I am optimistic that the strength of our legal institutions will ultimately prevail over politics. But baseless and politically motivated investigations wreak havoc on the lives, safety, and financial security of targeted individuals and their families. (That's exactly what FJB did to Trump and all of his supporters) Even when individuals have done nothing wrong and will ultimately be exonerated, the mere fact of being investigated or prosecuted can irreparably damage their reputations and finance,"
Biden said (and it's what he did)

The iG says yet again, JUSTICE for the VICTIMS over the guilty is NOT REVENGE.


You really need to read this to understand what a Presidential Pardon is, what's required to get one, and what it does if you are pardoned.... (iG)

Yet another corrupt traitor that needs to be stood up against the wall IMOHO....

Unless and until these traitors are prosecuted and held responsible, this kind of chit will continue to bring down our Constitutional Republic.