Elizabeth Warren, the fake Indian, gets called out on liberal radio show

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Prior to being a guest on the Breakfast Club, she rejected Fox News invite for a townhall event again. Of course, Fat McCain didn't get a direct answer from the fake Indian when Fats McCain questioned her.
From Howie Carr of the Boston Herald:
Where do I go to get my reputation back?

Do you know how many times I’ve been called a “racist” over the last six years for calling Elizabeth Warren exactly what she just called herself in Baltimore – “not a person of color.”

In other words, a fake Indian.

She finally admitted the obvious on a Friday afternoon, just before Christmas, in front of what she must have assumed would be a somewhat sympathetic audience at a black college.

Two months after offering what she claimed was definitive proof of her Native American ancestry, she is now acknowledging that she’s a honky.

The fake Indian has finally been scalped … by reality.

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