Election prediction model has MAGA winning in a landslide

He will need to in order to withstand the fraud and corruption that will make us the envy of a banana republic.
The number of states which have impossibly late deadlines to request a mail ballot is a disaster.
My husband has been dead for 15 years. Guess what I got in the mail today? A letter telling him it appears he's not registered to vote, and a form to fill out along with a pre-addressed envelope. This is in Duval County, where the Supervisor of Elections office was picketed today by persons carrying signs saying the Supervisor was suppressing black voters. Insane.
I went to vote in our primary earlier this summer. EVERY SINGLE POLL WORKER WAS AFRICAN-AMERICAN.
Were they turning away black voters? I missed that. They must have been whispering in their ear.
Every city and state that is in financial trouble have been run by the Rats for decades.
(those are the ones that Pil-lousy is trying to swindle money for in a 2 Trillion bail-out)

Every city that is burning down are the same ones as the above.

If you like what they are doing to Americans, then vote for the Rats to continue eating the cheese, while they throw welfare scraps out to their inner-city slave compounds...