Eff louisville

Miami didn’t look too great early, and I haven’t seen them the past couple weeks. They do seem to have pulled it together a bit if scores are any indication.
Somehow Vegas has FSU over Miami by 3. It will probably change, but it's interesting.

Maybe Vegas remembers that last year FSU was 1-2 when they played an undefeated Miami. Even then, Miami barely eeked out a win. They are always overhyped this time of year.
Where are you seeing that? Miami is favored by 12

You beat a trash Louisville team that literally gave the game away with awful play calling and trailed pretty much the whole game, lmao. Your team is still god awful and Mullen is still going to coach circles around Taggert this season. Taggert can't coach and it's hilarious that you can't see it.
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We were losing by 3....UL had ball on OUR 20... We had 1 timeout left.... 1st and 10...THEYTHEY THREW THE BALL.....and we picked it... Score 3 plays late on a 5 yd in route where they missed 2 tackles and we ran 70 yards for a td lol UL served the game up on a silver platter.... Hilarious

FSU had 2 timeouts, but it was still a dumb call. They could have ran 3 times and kicked a FG and we would have been down by 6 with a minute left and no timeouts. Still could have won, but it would have been a lot more difficult.
FSU had 2 timeouts, but it was still a dumb call. They could have ran 3 times and kicked a FG and we would have been down by 6 with a minute left and no timeouts. Still could have won, but it would have been a lot more difficult.
Yep pretty boneheaded decisions by Petrino.
Pricktrino is circling the drain..... not a single coordinator worth their salt wants to deal with him or ride his train to the bottom. He’s down to drafting family members into the coaching staff so everyone can get a pay day before the end of the line arrives
sick of seeing the semis pull crap like this out of their ass. There should be a way to give both teams a loss in that game. They should have lost to a bad team that basically did everything they could to lose. That’s the worst game of the season no question. Can’t waut for duke to finally stomp f$u like they deserve.


Do you even watch FSU football? We NEVER pull crap out of our ass. Ever. Could have beaten scUM and Louisville last year, but couldn't. Va Tech and Cuse whooped us like BC did last year...We couldn't score a single TD against NC State in the second half a few years back...fumbled vs Ga Tech while diving in for what would have been a game winning TD...missed an easy field goal to beat UNC. We've been losing to FBS opponents (good and bad) the last 3 years. We're completely irrelevant, but your hopes and dreams rest on us losing to a Duke team (we don't even play).
Clemson is on their third string qb and may be for a while. They look real shaky. Not even close to saying fsu will win but it wouldn't shock me.
FSU's O-line will get owned by Clemson's defensive front. We'll never score on them, so Clemson only needs one successful scoring drive to lock down a win; QB or no QB.
FSU's O-line will get owned by Clemson's defensive front. We'll never score on them, so Clemson only needs one successful scoring drive to lock down a win; QB or no QB.
Agreed. FSU is not scoring many points on Clemson’s defense.
FSU's O-line will get owned by Clemson's defensive front. We'll never score on them, so Clemson only needs one successful scoring drive to lock down a win; QB or no QB.
Yeah I know. I will say that Clemson's d line hasn't been as dominant as expected so far. But they'll probably look like the first rounders they're projected as against us.

Do you even watch FSU football? We NEVER pull crap out of our ass. Ever. Could have beaten scUM and Louisville last year, but couldn't. Va Tech and Cuse whooped us like BC did last year...We couldn't score a single TD against NC State in the second half a few years back...fumbled vs Ga Tech while diving in for what would have been a game winning TD...missed an easy field goal to beat UNC. We've been losing to FBS opponents (good and bad) the last 3 years. We're completely irrelevant, but your hopes and dreams rest on us losing to a Duke team (we don't even play).
GT was Marcus Sims fumbling when going into the end zone. Painful. Also remember Ponder fumbling on a wide open play action pass to beat NC State during Jimbo's first year.

That's an accurate statement. Marcus Sims did fumble while going in for the game winning score. It further illustrates why the OP's assertion FSU catches all the breaks (paraphrasing) is pretty ludicrous. Hell, FSU turned the ball over 5 times vs Va Tech and while Va Tech fumbled 4 times, FSU recovered none of them. None. Not a single bounce went our way. (not why we lost, though)

FSU's luck is even a dumpster fire.

That's an accurate statement. Marcus Sims did fumble while going in for the game winning score. It further illustrates why the OP's assertion FSU catches all the breaks (paraphrasing) is pretty ludicrous. Hell, FSU turned the ball over 5 times vs Va Tech and while Va Tech fumbled 4 times, FSU recovered none of them. None. Not a single bounce went our way. (not why we lost, though)

FSU's luck is even a dumpster fire.

It just brought back the 2 of the worst moments in my life.... I hate those plays