Do we really have to pay income tax?

I honestly think it's been tried many times to derail the sytem, but... good luck. Just need to abolish the IRS and implement a fair or flat tax
I honestly think it's been tried many times to derail the sytem, but... good luck. Just need to abolish the IRS and implement a fair or flat tax
then trump and his buddies would need to pay something, its never going to happen...
I honestly think it's been tried many times to derail the sytem, but... good luck. Just need to abolish the IRS and implement a fair or flat tax

A flat tax is the absolute most fair system. You couldn't say billionaires "don't pay their fair share" if we all paid 15%. We wouldn't have 50% of all taxpayers not actually paying income tax.

We could all do our own taxes in about 15 minutes. You wouldn't have a million different rules to follow, and the IRS would have very little to do.

A flat tax is the absolute most fair system. You couldn't say billionaires "don't pay their fair share" if we all paid 15%. We wouldn't have 50% of all taxpayers not actually paying income tax.

We could all do our own taxes in about 15 minutes. You wouldn't have a million different rules to follow, and the IRS would have very little to do.
We still pay more than 15% anyway. Employee SSI contributions are 7.65% alone, aside from federal taxes. The sad thing is that not only do 50% not pay any federal taxes, they get big subsidies in the form of tax credits (meaning they are net TAKERS, not contributors). The entire tax code is bullshit, the .Gov encourages certain spending behaviors by throwing out carrots to do so. Enact a flat tax all of their bullshit goes away. It's not going to happen, the commies will make certain of that.

A flat tax is the absolute most fair system. You couldn't say billionaires "don't pay their fair share" if we all paid 15%. We wouldn't have 50% of all taxpayers not actually paying income tax.

We could all do our own taxes in about 15 minutes. You wouldn't have a million different rules to follow, and the IRS would have very little to do.
Problem with that, thetaxes collected from the ultra wealthy amount to around 80% of the total amount of tax $ collected. Dropping them down to only paying 15%, the GOV would be losing a ton of $.
We still pay more than 15% anyway. Employee SSI contributions are 7.65% alone, aside from federal taxes. The sad thing is that not only do 50% not pay any federal taxes, they get big subsidies in the form of tax credits (meaning they are net TAKERS, not contributors). The entire tax code is bullshit, the .Gov encourages certain spending behaviors by throwing out carrots to do so. Enact a flat tax all of their bullshit goes away. It's not going to happen, the commies will make certain of that.
you will live to 100, your ss taxes you paid were your best investment you ever made... mine, well you may have a point...
Problem with that, thetaxes collected from the ultra wealthy amount to around 80% of the total amount of tax $ collected. Dropping them down to only paying 15%, the GOV would be losing a ton of $.
The leftist commies believe your money is THEIR money. Fair share is code word for it.
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A flat tax is the absolute most fair system. You couldn't say billionaires "don't pay their fair share" if we all paid 15%. We wouldn't have 50% of all taxpayers not actually paying income tax.

We could all do our own taxes in about 15 minutes. You wouldn't have a million different rules to follow, and the IRS would have very little to do.
I agree. I am 100% against a consumption tax...but 100% FOR EVERYONE paying the same %. Dimtards will NEVER support they are comprised of either THE MOST wealthy(do not pay taxes) of the freebie dwellars(do not pay taxes) They are TSKERS from our society
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Apportionment vs Graduated % income tax.
Apportionment means that we all pay the same fixed amount.
Which does the Constitution allow for?

Hint: A graduated income tax is the 2nd plank in the Karl Marx Communist Manifesto....

Karl Marx describes in his Communist Manifesto the ten steps necessary to destroy a free enterprise system and replace it with a system of omnipotent government power necessary to effect a communist socialist state.

1. Abolition of private property in land and application of all rents of land to public purpose.

2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.

3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance.

4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.

5. Centralization of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly.

6. Centralization of the means of communication and transportation in the hands of the state.

7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the state; the bringing into cultivation of waste lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.

8. Equal obligation of all to work. Establishment of Industrial armies, especially for agriculture.

9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country by a more equable distribution of the population over the country.

10. Free education for all children in government schools. Abolition of children's factory labor in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production, etc. etc.


So, is the U.S. a "free country" today? Hardly! Not compared to what it once was. Yet, very few Americans today challenge these Marxist institutions, and there are virtually no politicians calling for their repeal or even gradual phase-out. While the United States of America may still have more freedoms than most other countries, we have nonetheless lost many crucial liberties and have accepted the major socialist attacks on freedom and private property as normal parts of our way of life. The nation, whose founders included such individualists as Thomas Jefferson, George Mason, James Madison, John Adams and Patrick Henry, has gradually turned away from the principles of individual rights, limited constitutional government, private property, and free markets and instead we increasingly have embraced the failed ideas and nostrums of socialism and fascism. We should hang our heads in shame for having allowed this to happen.