Did joey attempt to over throw polish guvment

I have not followed this but I know a Romanian woman who fled there right before the USSR crumbled when she was 16 and ended communism. Just a few years ago she was telling me Soros got kicked out of the country and isn't allowed back anymore. She goes back once a year to see relatives, says she has seen billboards blasting Soros. I don't know what's going on there now, just throwing this in here from 1st person hearsay. She hates communists with the power of 10 suns.
I have not followed this but I know a Romanian woman who fled there right before the USSR crumbled when she was 16 and ended communism. Just a few years ago she was telling me Soros got kicked out of the country and isn't allowed back anymore. She goes back once a year to see relatives, says she has seen billboards blasting Soros. I don't know what's going on there now, just throwing this in here from 1st person hearsay. She hates communists with the power of 10 suns.

Evidently Soros and company still controls their Courts.
Globalist agenda. Biden used autosign for every signature / EO that came out of the WH, except for his letter withdrawing from the prez race. So, he was signing nothing, BUT WHO WAS REALLY IN CHARGE?

Soros, Obama, Rice, Jarrett and a few others ...