Dems help me understand: Why aren't you calling for the NCAA & NFL football seasons to be cancelled?


Ring of Honor
Oct 1, 2012
If we can't risk basketball teams practicing and playing right now, why is it ok for college football teams to hold spring practice right now?

If it's dangerous for basketball teams, it's dangerous for football teams.

Time to shut it down, but where are @bradleygator @BSC911 and @urtren?
Because the games are far enough away, that they don't have to consider it yet.

Let me know if there's anything else that's blindingly obvious that I can clue you in on.
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If we can't risk basketball teams practicing and playing right now, why is it ok for college football teams to hold spring practice right now?

If it's dangerous for basketball teams, it's dangerous for football teams.

Time to shut it down, but where are @bradleygator @BSC911 and @urtren?

2009 under our young dear Mush-limb President 60 million Americans where affected with the swine flu and 18,000 died nothing was canceled?

#fakenews media said nothing
Because the games are far enough away, that they don't have to consider it yet.

Let me know if there's anything else that's blindingly obvious that I can clue you in on.

Spring practice is starting right now. Are you saying it's safe for these kids to be hugging and slinging sweat all over each other all day?
Spring practice is starting right now. Are you saying it's safe for these kids to be hugging and slinging sweat all over each other all day?

I think games in front of fans is not safe, because of the potential for spread among the fans.

If I was running the NHL or the NBA, I would be hoping to return to play the playoffs after a shortened season. Similar to the strike year when the Spurs won.

Cancelling outdoor, non-contact games, like baseball, as opposed to just playing without fans, seems a little bit of an overreaction to me. But I think it makes sense certainly to suspend the sports for a few weeks, to give you time to see where this is headed. Again, if a player gets infected, you have to quarantine the team, so that's a tough issue.

I think you can't play conference tourneys or the NCAAT, even without fans, because what do you do if a player gets infected? Ideally, you would try to postpone the NCAAT, and try to play in a few weeks/month. But I don't know if that's logistically possible.

I would cancel Spring football practice, because of the amount of contact. And also, who cares? It's not that important. I would defer a decision on playing the games to as far away as possible.

I would imagine Spring football practice will be canceled across the board. Baylor has already suspended practice and Duke canceled all Spring athletics, as has the Ivy League.
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If we can't risk basketball teams practicing and playing right now, why is it ok for college football teams to hold spring practice right now?

If it's dangerous for basketball teams, it's dangerous for football teams.

Time to shut it down, but where are @bradleygator @BSC911 and @urtren?
Dear Cult follower. The world you inhabit with James Jones Trump as your savior is already tumbling down around his and your little minds. If only JJ Trump had believed what his and all other scientists were telling the cult then maybe our country might be like South Korea . Covid-19 is real, I notice you haven't given the cult leader credit for ending the longest bull market in history, why not cult follower?
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Dear Cult follower. The world you inhabit with James Jones Trump as your savior is already tumbling down around his and your little minds. If only JJ Trump had believed what his and all other scientists were telling the cult then maybe our country might be like South Korea . Covid-19 is real, I notice you haven't given the cult leader credit for ending the longest bull market in history, why not cult follower?

Oh I like this guy.
Then why have Spring practice? Why have offseason training at all?

And how long have you followed college football?

Let me clarify so your pea brain can make sense of it: given that our dumb orange President has chosen not to test for the corona virus and has thus given us no idea of the scope of the disease and given that having 150 sweat covered kids smash into each other twice a day puts them at greater risk, Spring football is unimportant, relatively speaking.
Let me clarify so your pea brain can make sense of it: given that our dumb orange President has chosen not to test for the corona virus and has thus given us no idea of the scope of the disease and given that having 150 sweat covered kids smash into each other twice a day puts them at greater risk, Spring football is unimportant, relatively speaking.

Talking points won't save you. The same Dr Fauci that you quoted in another thread said yesterday that the system cannot support rolling out testing kits on a mass scale and hasn't been able to for a while. Trump has nothing to do with that, but again...talking points. I know the left cares more about blaming Trump than actually saving people's lives from.....the flu....but that's why we have Republicans, to save the country from such evil.

Now, back to the topic, so you agree we need to cancel Spring football. Which means we also have to cancel the fall football season, right?

Because fall practice begins in August. Media days begins in July. Summer camps and school in June.

So if you're good with the fall season happening, you're telling us that this corona flu, which your side is now saying will infect 100 MILLION people in the US and KILL a MILLION.....will be gone in 3 months.

Is that what you are saying?

This is why talking points suck if that's all you have. The reality is the fall football season will likely get caught up in the media-driven panic, and when it does, YOU and @sadgator and your alt will own that.

Not Trump. You.
Disagree on both points. And I think he’s only focusing on Trump’s idiocy. He doesn’t know you obviously, much to his benefit.

And ask him why him and obama waited till 1,000 people had died in this country to declare a national emergency AND 6 months after it was declared a pandemic.

Trump waited two days. We need to hear from Biden what his plan is because Trump has proven he's up to the task. If Biden tries to just do the same thing obama did, then many more people will die.
The media induced “panic” clearly forced your President to declare a National State of Emergency...

And it came 2 days after WHO declared the corona flu a pandemic.

Your hero obama waited 6 months and after 1,000 Americans were dead. Guess he was too busy playing golf.
Lol...all of the sudden Ghost acknowledges a “world heath crisis”...shocking...

Where did I do that? Sucks in this country if you are in that nursing home in WA state, or if you are living in Italy and over the age of 81.

No one else gives a shit. It's not like this is Swine Flu.
Where did I do that? Sucks in this country if you are in that nursing home in WA state, or if you are living in Italy and over the age of 81.

No one else gives a shit. It's not like this is Swine Flu.
Dear Cult Follower, another ignorant and totally wrong rant. Your Cult Leader JJ Trump very much gives a shit because this virus has exposed him for the moron he is. Further we're on the way to a deep recession Cult Follower and your Leader damn well knows his leading is over on election day if he can't turn this around so Dear Follower JJ Trump gives a shit, how bout you?
Well, you’ve been lauding him on this Board for declaring a National State of Emergency,
so are you now taking the position that he just did that to cave in to “media” pressure? Would seem odd that you would do that, being a “critical” thinker and all that you are...

Declaring a National Emergency is necessary to unlock certain federal funding, which Trump wants to do to end this silliness as quickly as possible and restore the proper flow of toilet paper to stores.

BTW we still haven't had any of you dem sycophants explain why obama waited SIX MONTHS to declare a National Emergency with Swine Flu. I mean maybe he didn't give a shit till 1,000 people died.

Just curious how you guys think this is the end of the world, and a very real worldwide health crisis happened with the Swine Flu. It infected a fifth of the country and killed hundreds of thousands of Americans.

Yet media was literally telling us 'do not panic', and not a single sporting event was cancelled.

Guess dems made that one just as political as they made this one. Country over party?
Because the games are far enough away, that they don't have to consider it yet.

Let me know if there's anything else that's blindingly obvious that I can clue you in on.

Why didn't you tell us that Florida cancelled Spring practices and the Spring Game yesterday?

That one's obvious too.

You own this. Inciting a panic has consequences.
You’re a complete idiot.

This is the "I wanted North Korea to nuke make Trump look bad!" meme all over again.

"I wanted this to wreak the world economy and cause people around the world to lose make Trump look bad!"

You own this. And when this is NOT as bad as the media is claiming, Trump is going to own that.

Maybe you guys should just stop trying to take down Trump cause you clearly suck at it.
This is the "I wanted North Korea to nuke make Trump look bad!" meme all over again.

"I wanted this to wreak the world economy and cause people around the world to lose make Trump look bad!"

You own this. And when this is NOT as bad as the media is claiming, Trump is going to own that.

Maybe you guys should just stop trying to take down Trump cause you clearly suck at it.
Your ignorance and total inability to see the truth would be funny but you're a cult follower and right to the grave you'll believe everything James Jones Trump tells you.
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I think games in front of fans is not safe, because of the potential for spread among the fans.

So again, let's re-examine this claim with some numbers and actual facts.

This virus originated in Wuhan, a city of roughly 11 million people in China, with a population density of 3,200 people per mile.

China has 1.4B people, with 80k cases of corona flu, and 65k are already in recovery.

If we didn't see a massive spread in China, how are we going to see one here, given the US has far better medical resources and a far better response to dealing with the spread?
This is actually a problem with messaging ...willful misinformation and fearmongering from leftist media and politicians ...and inadequate messaging from gubmint ...maybe they feel the strategy is too complicated to understand...I came across it somewhere with a graphic from U of Mich ...The response isn't because this is some mass killer that is going to wipe out millions...its because allowing it to run its course could swamp the hospital system...Strategy is to slow the rate of infection ...graphic shows two curves...first is rapid infection that overwhelms hospitals ...second is slow one that does not....rapid is shorter season of infection and slower one is a longer off that makes this thing last longer...the graphic does not address deaths...guess we can assume they are same...messaging from fear mongering opportunist is that this is the apocalypse and everyone needs a years worth of TP...real message is that government is trying to slow rate of infection to protect healthcare system from overload and its not the apocalypse or anything to panic over...go about your normal lives while avoiding places of mass gatherings. Of course shopping for food is a place where you will necessarily be exposed but sporting events and other entertainment are not essential.

leftist in media and here on this board are trying to make this about Trump and it isn't about him or his response. This is about a strategy to slow down the rate of infections...the amount of infections may be the same or less with this strategy but thats not the issue the issue is the rate of infection...note the trade off of longer season of impact needed to keep this thing manageable...if the hospital capacity were above the blue curves peak I doubt sporting events or anything else would have been pressured by government to shut down as the fear is NOT mass casualties but one of overwhelming the medical system...probably too nuanced a message for the average dem voter to understand and besides the media wants to attack Trump.

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