Trump Lead Grows to 1.2% in Battle Ground States/No Toss Up Map 10/22

In the last two elections Trump has outperformed polling by 9% and 5% respectively.

Most polls oversample dems, compounding the "shy Trump voter" problem.

And I believe in the shy Trump voter theory because there's no way in hell I'd ever tell a stranger I was voting for Trump (either by answering a poll or wearing a red hat, putting a sign in my yard, etc). Leftists are much more violent and vitriolic and I want no part of any confrontation.

The MSM is saying "unlike the past two elections this election has no underground Trump voters". Haha, BS. I think there may be more underground votes this time especially with older people. The left just gets more unhinged and violent daily and face next to no consequences. Nope, keep my head down and mind my own business.
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Not seeing any proprietary content with copyright infringement from my view. The facts are the Democrats are fascist Deep State "Marxists in waiting". In short, they are cheating, lying, kocksuckers. They are trying to turn NC into a defacto blue state by keeping disaster victims from voting. The Biden DOJ is suing states to keep dead and illegal voters on voter registrations. The less "help" we get from RINOs, the better off we are. The gloves are off, it's bare fisted until we purge America from Communist Dimtards.