Creepy Porn Lawyer Thought He Could Extort Money From Nike


Bull Gator
Sep 18, 2011
If this doesn't get Avenatti thrown in prison and have him disbarred, I don't know what will. I guess it's just not a very good week for the libtards.

Trump Jr bringing some karma.

Recap of the complaint against Avenatti from New York feds:

A criminal complaint against Avenatti says he “devised a scheme to extort a company by means of an interstate communication by threatening to damage the company’s reputation if the company did not agree to make multi-million dollar payments to Avenatti and [co-conspirator], and further agree to pay an additional $1.5 million to a client of Avenatti’s.”

The complaint says that last Wednesday, Avenatti and a cooperating witness spoke by phone with lawyers for Nike “during which Avenatti stated, with respect to his demands for payment of millions of dollars, that if those demands were not met ‘I’ll go take ten billion dollars off your client’s market cap … I’m not f—ing around.’ ”

Avenatti even tweeted about it like a genius:

Tmrw at 11 am ET, we will be holding a press conference to disclose a major high school/college basketball scandal perpetrated by @Nike that we have uncovered. This criminal conduct reaches the highest levels of Nike and involves some of the biggest names in college basketball.

— Michael Avenatti (@MichaelAvenatti) March 25, 2019

Poor CNN — first their Russian collusion fairy tale falls apart after 2 years — now their darling, Avenatti is going down on federal criminal charges and their legal analyst Mark Geragos is caught up in the drama as well.
If this doesn't get Avenatti thrown in prison and have him disbarred, I don't know what will. I guess it's just not a very good week for the libtards.

Trump Jr bringing some karma.

CNN and MSDNC had this POS on over 108 times
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Supposedly he made crap loads of money with each appearance. How did he piss all that money away?

Oh my ( more humiliation for CNN)

March 25, 2019
The Wall Street Journal reported on Monday that the alleged co-conspirator in the alleged Michael Avenatti fraud scheme is CNN legal analyst Mark Geragos, who is also Jussie Smollett's lawyer.
Oh my ( more humiliation for CNN)

March 25, 2019
The Wall Street Journal reported on Monday that the alleged co-conspirator in the alleged Michael Avenatti fraud scheme is CNN legal analyst Mark Geragos, who is also Jussie Smollett's lawyer.

If he hasn't already, he won't waste anytime throwing Creepy Porn Lawyer under the bus.
"lame-ass organization"?''I'm wondering if CEO Stevenson at AT&T will do anything about a network that can boast of only an airport audience. Warner Media stock holders are angry. CNN CEO Zucker seems not to care in the least.
If this doesn't get Avenatti thrown in prison and have him disbarred, I don't know what will. I guess it's just not a very good week for the libtards.

Trump Jr bringing some karma.
He has no idea how deep the corruption in the shoe business runs. Phil Knight depends on the crimes of people killed for his shoes to advertise his brand. Porn lawyer is a flea and collateral damage in the grand scheme of things.
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And this POS is the freaking idol of the left. SMDH.

Did you see the fudge packer with a lisp at the 1:30 mark, Phillip Rucker? LMAO! Having the Mainstream Media kiss his rear sure didn't age well. I sure don't see The View, CNN or MSNBC covering the latest about CPL.
Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse for CPL when he got arrested for attempted extortion against Nike.
Screwed the first time by Creepy Porn President...
Well we didn't exactly vote for a pastor to occupy the White House. He was, in 2006, just a businessman when this alleged incident happened. Personally, I could care less about his personal life.
If Obama/Bath House Barry were a conservative and accomplished everything Trump did, and not telling us he needs a magic wand to make jobs come back, I could care less about him being a fudge packer who was a frequent visitor at a gay bathhouse in Chicago and got his schlong sucked by Larry Sinclair. Nor would I care about Manchelle Obama having Male genitals and the fact that Sacha and Malia are the biological children of Anita Blanchard and Martin Nesbitt.