Covid 19 numbers from Taiwan amazing in a population of almost 25M, and just 80 miles


Rowdy Reptile
Jul 5, 2001
from China, just 395 cases and 6 deaths.

The difference: Taiwan KNEW about this virus and its ramifications back in December and contacted the WHO but were ignored because since China doesn't recognize Taiwan so neither must the WHO recognize Taiwan. And Taiwan had the key element of time to control the spread before it got out of hand without shutting down its economy. Taiwan was not subject to the lies of China and the WHO as the rest of the world was.
But the dems here told us we could trust the WHO and China and that America and Trump were the ones blowing it.

Of course, the dems here just parrot whatever the media tells them and refuse to think for themselves. Which is why they always make idiots out of themselves. @bradleygator and @sadgator may never live down some of the sheer stupidity they have repeated here about corona flu.

BTW did we hear Dr Birx talking yesterday about how this corona flu is similar to the flu and how we can look at how the flu works and see how corona flu will play out? this IS like the flu, just like all critical thinkers said all along. Another one the sheep will have trouble living down.
You President must be one of the sheep since he said it is not the flu...and it isn’t...

Sheep proves his namesake once again.

I say this: " this IS like the flu, just like all critical thinkers said all along. Another one the sheep will have trouble living down."

And sheep disagrees, saying it's NOT the flu.

I really hope the sheep are saving these posts. Once they wake up, so much of this will make sense, that totally confuses them now.
Would you like to rewatch the video clip of your President saying, this is not the flu? Would that be at all helpful to you?

It honestly wouldn't be helpful to anyone here. Because no one is arguing that he didn't say that.

YOU need to re-read what I said here: " this IS like the flu, just like all critical thinkers said all along. Another one the sheep will have trouble living down."

Everyone with any sense agrees this IS like the flu. Now Dr Birx is even pointing out that we are tracking how this virus behaves vs how the flu behaves so we will know how to change our treatment plan.

Dems have tried from the drop to paint this as something completely different from the flu that was going to kill us all. Remember how @bradleygator told us 2.2M Americans were going to die AND "Trump would own this"?

In fact, here is the dem's plan for dealing with corona flu:

1 - Shutdown the US economy for 18 months MINIMUM
2 - Vote by mail for the presidential election in November

Funny....that looks like a plan for getting rid of Trump, moreso than getting rid of corona flu, doesn't it?

Sheep hoodwinked again.
Illustration of a Ghost argument...


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