CNN viewers believe Trump is compromised by foreign powers

wait until Trump blows the cover off of Britain’s involvement in spying on a US presidential at the request of the CIA. MI6 couldn’t dig up any dirt on Trump so they make up the phony dossier to gain a FISA for the FBI to be able to spy on a US presidential candidate on US soil. Brennan needs to spend the rest of his life in prison, as well as Clapper, Comey, and Mcabe.
Rush was all over this today and it's the first time I can remember him really getting into it. He said when the American people realize that the UK was spying on American citizens, there will be a revolution. He said John Brennan is at the center of it.

All of this is stuff Q has been saying for over a year now. Haven't heard it discussed in anything close to mainstream media. Wonder if Rush is doing this cause he knows Trump is about to declass the FISA applications?
You 2 need to get your rubber ducky's and go play in the bath tub with
one another. Who do you think runs things from behind the curtain.
The American people are asleep and too busy with the many
distractions they've allowed to take over their lives. Americans gonna
revolt. LMAO!