Please stick to football. You are clearly ignorant as to what's happening in our country.
I really wish I was, brother. But I'm not.
Please stick to football. You are clearly ignorant as to what's happening in our country.
That's why I said Warren winning would be the BEST CASE scenario for the country if Trump is impeached. She's the most sane of the loonies.
The left has some serious crazies and if Trump gets impeached, they are going to take over the Democratic party completely.
The left wants open borders, sanctuary cities and socialism. Three things that have NEVER worked ANYWHERE they have been tried.
Did you know Europe is on a path to become a Muslim-majority continent by 2050? Did you know that EVERY country in the world that is Muslim-majority has instituted Sharia law?
A lot of people in this country need to turn off CNN and start CRITICALLY THINKING about where this country is headed.
Im of the midnset that like people will always hang and want to be similar to those people. Blks will want blk things latinos will want latino things whites will want white things. There is nothing wrong with that. I dont think you cant intertwine different races but when you have a completely different moral standing or completely different way of living life i think its a problem. There is nothing wrong with having different cultures thoughout the world. It all doesnt have to be the same. Its ok to integrate and to stay seperate
Integrate. This is the problem right here. We are letting people into this country that have NO intention of integrating or assimilating into our culture. They don't WANT to be Americans, they just want to live in America.
Republicans have no problem at ALL with LEGAL immigration. What Democrats want is ILLEGAL immigration from people who do NOT want to assimilate. They don't care if illegals speak English or if they are legal citizens.
Trump wants LEGAL immigration ONLY allowing people into this country who WANT to be Americans and who are READY to assimilate into our culture.
Even 10 years ago, this was just common sense. Even the left agreed with this. Today, it's 'xenophobic'.
Imagine where we will be in another 10 years.
NAFTA being re-negotiated with Mexico as we speak. Suspect President Trump will get us far more than the $25 Billion price tag for the wall.
I guess as trump supporters you get to make up your reality.
Now for reality:
1. Cohen will be sentenced December 15. Why so long in the future you ask? Because Cohen has a chance to cooperate and if he does the judge may go easy on him. That is if he tells the truth and the truth can be verified. To say Cohen is not cooperating and the proof of this is he is going to jail is just silly at best..