CNN already preparing its few viewers for disappointment in Manafort trial


Ring of Honor
Oct 1, 2012
Says don't worry about this trial, "CNN sources have learned" that Mueller has THREE TIMES as much evidence for the 2nd Manafort trial.

Last week, this was the trial of the century. Today, eh the SECOND one is the one that counts LOL

Rush just said government prosecutors have a win rate of 92%. If Mueller's team somehow finds a way to blow this slam-dunk of a
WOW! CNN has filed a motion to have the NAMES AND ADDRESSES of ALL jurors released A judge is hearing that motion.

This is likely to set up for the 2nd trial, get the names and addresses of the jurors out and harrass them into voting the way CNN wants.

And we have posters here claiming President Trump is the one causing irreparable damage to the country, and blindly defending the media. Wow.
Judge TS Ellis just told the jury that he has been threatened and has to now travel with US Marshalls to protect him. He adds that he will NOT release the names or any information about the jurors because he's sure if he did, they would be threatened as well.


Reminder: About a year ago a teenager on Reddit made a gif showing Trump tackling and beating up a guy, but the guy had the CNN logo over his face. It went viral and CNN was mocked greatly over it. CNN got so upset over this that they found out the identity of the teenager, and CONTACTED HIM and THREATENED to reveal his identity if he didn't stop making fun of CNN.

The only way we know about this is the kid went to social media and posted this. CNN backed down.

This is not the news, this is political activism. When Trump says that FAKE NEWS is the enemy of the people, this is precisely what he is talking about and he's completely right.
Whelp, they got Manafort on improperly filing a tax return, and jury gets 10 counts tossed.

And on the same day, Cohen pops a plea deal, CNN pops a woody, then has to wear their flat faces when they realize the plea deal is still him pleading guilty.

"Apparently Cohen wasn't cooperating with Mueller because he had nothing to cooperate with" LMAO!

Biggest witch hunt since Salem. President Trump's rally tonight will be epic.
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Whelp, they got Manafort on improperly filing a tax return, and jury gets 10 counts tossed.

And on the same day, Cohen pops a plea deal, CNN pops a woody, then has to wear their flat faces when they realize the plea deal is still him pleading guilty.

"Apparently Cohen wasn't cooperating with Mueller because he had nothing to cooperate with" LMAO!

Biggest witch hunt since Salem. President Trump's rally tonight will be epic.

You should stick to football...

That is something you are actually smart at...
Whelp, they got Manafort on improperly filing a tax return, and jury gets 10 counts tossed.

And on the same day, Cohen pops a plea deal, CNN pops a woody, then has to wear their flat faces when they realize the plea deal is still him pleading guilty.

"Apparently Cohen wasn't cooperating with Mueller because he had nothing to cooperate with" LMAO!

Biggest witch hunt since Salem. President Trump's rally tonight will be epic.

BTW, it's worth noting that Mueller gave up the Cohen case to SDNY. Because Cohen couldn't help them in the Russia investigation. So that told you right there that this case had nothing to do with Mueller.

With Manafort, he denied a plea to have the trial go to jury, then the defense didn't call a single witness. Which means Manafort is now facing potentially life in prison.

So BOTH Cohen and Manafort decided to go to jail rather than flip on Trump.

Can't flip if you've got nothing to flip over. At some point the Trump haters will have to come to grips with reality.

Witch Hunt.
BTW, it's worth noting that Mueller gave up the Cohen case to SDNY. Because Cohen couldn't help them in the Russia investigation. So that told you right there that this case had nothing to do with Mueller.

With Manafort, he denied a plea to have the trial go to jury, then the defense didn't call a single witness. Which means Manafort is now facing potentially life in prison.

So BOTH Cohen and Manafort decided to go to jail rather than flip on Trump.

Can't flip if you've got nothing to flip over. At some point the Trump haters will have to come to grips with reality.

Witch Hunt.
Lol...even Fox News can’t distort this one...

“Unindicted Co-conspirator”

Just keep thinking to yourself, “football, I need to stick to football, I am smart about football.”
I guess as trump supporters you get to make up your reality.
Now for reality:

1. Cohen will be sentenced December 15. Why so long in the future you ask? Because Cohen has a chance to cooperate and if he does the judge may go easy on him. That is if he tells the truth and the truth can be verified. To say Cohen is not cooperating and the proof of this is he is going to jail is just silly at best.

2. Manafort has not been sentence yet. He will have time to think it over and decide if he wants to cooperate . His sentencing is a ways off so he can do some serious thinking. He may not be needed so he may not get the opportunity to cooperate if he does have something to give up. Of course he can wait for a pardon.

3. To say the jury tossed out 10
charges is just trump talk. There is only one reality and in that reality the jury could not come to a decision . A jury can not toss charges. These charges remain in place and can be retrird. Manafort was convicted and on these convictions could spend the rest of his life in jail since he is 69.
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Oh, we definitely weren’t the ones who “lost” today...

And we won’t be come November...

sadgator will welcome the opportunity to discuss Bama’s 2018 National Title with you during the impeachment hearings...

I probably shouldn't give the game away, but trying to impeach Trump would be playing right into his hands.

Haven't you leftists figured it out by now? He knows he is in your heads, so he keeps conning you into doing his bidding for him. Why do you think he calls CNN "Fake News"? Because he knows it enrages them and will cause them to run another fake story, which he will use at his rallies to hurt CNN's credibility even more.

Why do you think he acts 'unpresidential'? Because he KNOWS that idiots like Joe Scarborough and Brian Stelzer will claim he is 'mentally unfit for office'. Why do you think he keeps antagonizing Auntie Maxie? Because he WANTS her to keep going on TV saying 'Impeach 45! Impeeach 45!'

Why do you think Schiff and Feinstein tried to walk back the impeachment talk?

Because they know the political ramifications of trying to impeach a sitting President who has a higher approval rating than Obama did.

The Mueller investigation was never about finding anything to impeach Trump on. It was always about trying to drag Trump's approval ratings down to the teens to CLEAR THE WAY to make impeachment charges stick.

Remember when the Mueller investigation started, about 80% of the public was in favor of it. "Let's just take a look and see if anything is there!"

A year later, it's obvious nothing is there, that's why the majority of Americans now want the investigation to end.

So the Dem plan is to take an investigation, which the majority of Americans think is pointless, and use the 'findings' from it to support impeaching a sitting President who has a higher approval rating than Obama?

THAT is the grand Democratic plan to take over power?

LMAO! Good luck with're playing right into Trump's hands :D
Oh, we definitely weren’t the ones who “lost” today....

Not according to CNN and MSNBC you weren't. Big day for Trump haters!

Problem is, the only people that watch CNN and MSNBC are the Trump haters. So this does nothing but re-affirm to them what they already believed.

New Rasmussen poll out for today: Trump's approval rating still ahead of Obama's.

The people that will make a difference in November didn't really notice yesterday cause they know nothing happened.

Tell us more about this 'Blue Wave' :cool:

PS: Did you figure out who Mollie Tibbetts is and why CNN and MSNBC refuse to mention her on air? Go to and you'll immediately see why they won't mention her.
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Keep smokescreening with Mollie (terrible story by the way).

sadgator will focus on the future of our Republic like every other major news organization other than Fox News.

Honestly, sadgator will not really mind Pence as president. Don’t agree with him politically, but at least he isn’t a narcissistic imbecile. He likely respects the rule of law and has some sense of appropriate decorum of the office is the presidency, so that’s a plus. You guys might actulally be able to accomplish some real work with him in the seat.
Immigration reform discussion is necessary, but many murders will happen today. Some by illegals, some by citizens. Legitimate problem.

Now about those high crimes and misdemeanors...

IOW, we'll always have murders, what difference does it make if illegal aliens commit some of them??? I think Hillary used the same defense about Benghazi, didn't she? "At this point, what difference does it make???"

And you guys honestly think this is the platform that will result in a Blue Wave in November.

Ok then.
Well that didn't take long, Dem's leading 2020 candidate on what the REAL problem is here:

Translation: We need to protect illegal aliens more than we do American citizens.

Democrats honestly think this stance will resonate so much with the average American that it will result in a Blue Wave in November.

Ok then.
Now about those high crimes and misdemeanors...

What about them?

Whups. That's DEMOCRAT Mark Penn who just blew the whistle on the 'campaign finance violation' fantasy.

This is why I told you to stop watching CNN. They are literally lying to you every day, and you are apparently believing it.
Lock her up! I, I mean uh lock him up! Only the best in that cell block! Only the best!

Andddddddddd....24 hours later, the game is already over LMAO!

That's Michael Cohen's attorney registering as a foreign agent for a Pro-Russia oligarch wanted by the US government.

FYI: Lanny Davis was Bill Clinton's attorney during his impeachment.

Bonus: Check the date he registered: Roughly 2 weeks after the 2016 election.

You guys keep falling into Trump's trap every time LMAO!

Lock her up! Lock her up!
Rough week for the Trump haters: Now another CNN story about Trump goes down in flames:

This is why I tell you guys to stop watching CNN. I might as well be telling Fever to stop worrying about Florida recruiting smdh
Rough week for the Trump haters:


Talk about...


Take your own advice and lay off the Fox News...try ANY OTHER major news source....


Talk about...


Take your own advice and lay off the Fox News...try ANY OTHER major news source....


Dude, I like you. You and Danny are probably my favorite posters here.

What I don't like is when CNN lies to people like you, who believe it.

Even IF Trump did PRECISELY what Cohen claims he did, it's not against the law. It's not even a campaign finance violation.

I know Jeremy Toobin is on CNN telling you it is. He's wrong.

And I're hearing differently on CNN. And MSNBC. Why EVERYONE but Fox News is saying it's against the law and a BIG FREAKING DEAL for Trump!

Right? I know.

These are the same people that told you Hillary was going to walk to the Oval Office, remember?

I get it, you're a Dem so you want to believe. But at some point, logic has to kick in. If Trump did what CNN claims he's done, we'd have evidence of it by now.

Reminder: CNN panel discussions where everyone says Trump did it is NOT evidence that he did it.

It's evidence that your party can't let the 2016 election go. Which is part of the reason why you're going to lose the 2018 one as well.
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Talk about...


Take your own advice and lay off the Fox News...try ANY OTHER major news source....


Fox was 51% negative against trump...... They have peoppe with a differing opinion. CNN is 92% negative agaisnt trump. They have only 1 opinion. If u want to see both sides watch fox. PMSNBC is garb....any network that is 1 sided is stupid. Fox gives both sides....except on Hannity lol he is the cnn of fox news...bias
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Dude, I like you. You and Danny are probably my favorite posters here.

What I don't like is when CNN lies to people like you, who believe it.

Even IF Trump did PRECISELY what Cohen claims he did, it's not against the law. It's not even a campaign finance violation.

I know Jeremy Toobin is on CNN telling you it is. He's wrong.

And I're hearing differently on CNN. And MSNBC. Why EVERYONE but Fox News is saying it's against the law and a BIG FREAKING DEAL for Trump!

Right? I know.

These are the same people that told you Hillary was going to walk to the Oval Office, remember?

I get it, you're a Dem so you want to believe. But at some point, logic has to kick in. If Trump did what CNN claims he's done, we'd have evidence of it by now.

Reminder: CNN panel discussions where everyone says Trump did it is NOT evidence that he did it.

It's evidence that your party can't let the 2016 election go. Which is part of the reason why you're going to lose the 2018 one as well.

It baffles me that people keep believing cnn. They said he would be impeached about 20 different things over the last 2 yrs.... Its propaganda to stall unyil they gain power back. Its brilliant really, becuz people believe it.
It baffles me that people keep believing cnn. They said he would be impeached about 20 different things over the last 2 yrs.... Its propaganda to stall unyil they gain power back. Its brilliant really, becuz people believe it.

People believe what they want to believe. I get why dems love CNN and love hearing their fantasies about how Trump is colluding with Russia, and how he will be impeached. That part I get.

What I will NEVER for the LIFE of me understand is why ANY conservative wants Trump to be impeached. You simply cannot be a Republican and also want Trump to be impeached. It's impossible.

Let's say for a moment that Trump gets impeached. There are many 'Republicans' in this country that thinks we'll just slide over Pence into the Oval Office, and he will be President till at least 2024. Or another Republican will be President in 2020.

Here is what will happen if Trump gets impeached in 2019. In the words of Maha-Rushie: "Do NOT doubt me here!"

If Trump gets impeached, the entire Republican party gets impeached with him. Period, full-stop.

If Trump gets impeached, Trump supporters will vote out EVERY Republican in both the House and Senate that voted in favor of the impeachment. That means every Republican who is up for office in 2020 will lose.

That means Democrats will likely have the largest Super Majority in BOTH houses that ANY political party in the history of the country has EVER had.

Plus, they'll win the White House. Incredibly, Never Trumpers think Republicans can have their President impeached in 2019, then the nation will turn around and elect another Repub a year later? LMAO!

If Trump gets impeached, the Republican party is dead. And so is the country because it will COMPLETELY clear the decks to allow the most radical leftists to take over in Congress and the White House.

I cannot for the life of me understand how supposedly intelligent Never Trumpers cannot see this. It's as clear as the day is long.

Imagine this scenario (And this is the BEST-CASE if Trump is impeached in 2019):

2020 - Elizabeth Warren as President, Dems with a 66% majority in both the House and Senate.

I am at a loss for words as how anyone can call themselves a Republican, and also think that Warren with complete control of both houses of Congress would be a better President than Trump.

I've never hated anything or anyone so badly that I literally could not think straight, but that's where Never Trumpers are at right now.
Fox was 51% negative against trump...... They have peoppe with a differing opinion. CNN is 92% negative agaisnt trump. They have only 1 opinion. If u want to see both sides watch fox. PMSNBC is garb....any network that is 1 sided is stupid. Gox gives both sides....except on Hannity lol he is the cnn of fox news...bias

Murdoch's two sons are running Fox News, they are both liberal as hell. They've already run off Bill O'Reilly and Eric Bolling, and keep trying to get Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham fired. In 10 years they will be just as liberal as CNN is now.
BTW, it's worth noting that Mueller gave up the Cohen case to SDNY. Because Cohen couldn't help them in the Russia investigation. So that told you right there that this case had nothing to do with Mueller.

With Manafort, he denied a plea to have the trial go to jury, then the defense didn't call a single witness. Which means Manafort is now facing potentially life in prison.

So BOTH Cohen and Manafort decided to go to jail rather than flip on Trump.

Can't flip if you've got nothing to flip over. At some point the Trump haters will have to come to grips with reality.

Witch Hunt.
Please stick to football. You are clearly ignorant as to what's happening in our country.
People believe what they want to believe. I get why dems love CNN and love hearing their fantasies about how Trump is colluding with Russia, and how he will be impeached. That part I get.

What I will NEVER for the LIFE of me understand is why ANY conservative wants Trump to be impeached. You simply cannot be a Republican and also want Trump to be impeached. It's impossible.

Let's say for a moment that Trump gets impeached. There are many 'Republicans' in this country that thinks we'll just slide over Pence into the Oval Office, and he will be President till at least 2024. Or another Republican will be President in 2020.

Here is what will happen if Trump gets impeached in 2019. In the words of Maha-Rushie: "Do NOT doubt me here!"

If Trump gets impeached, the entire Republican party gets impeached with him. Period, full-stop.

If Trump gets impeached, Trump supporters will vote out EVERY Republican in both the House and Senate that voted in favor of the impeachment. That means every Republican who is up for office in 2020 will lose.

That means Democrats will likely have the largest Super Majority in BOTH houses that ANY political party in the history of the country has EVER had.

Plus, they'll win the White House. Incredibly, Never Trumpers think Republicans can have their President impeached in 2019, then the nation will turn around and elect another Repub a year later? LMAO!

If Trump gets impeached, the Republican party is dead. And so is the country because it will COMPLETELY clear the decks to allow the most radical leftists to take over in Congress and the White House.

I cannot for the life of me understand how supposedly intelligent Never Trumpers cannot see this. It's as clear as the day is long.

Imagine this scenario (And this is the BEST-CASE if Trump is impeached in 2019):

2020 - Elizabeth Warren as President, Dems with a 66% majority in both the House and Senate.

I am at a loss for words as how anyone can call themselves a Republican, and also think that Warren with complete control of both houses of Congress would be a better President than Trump.

I've never hated anything or anyone so badly that I literally could not think straight, but that's where Never Trumpers are at right now.

0 chance elizabeth warren wins. I agreee with on every other point. They want Harris to run. She is a woman and a latino. Open borders here we come.
Please stick to football. You are clearly ignorant as to what's happening in our country.

Hes not actually. You just gave the most liberal argument per usual, nvr any facts, just "nuh uh, you're wrong". Typical lib....clueless
Murdoch's two sons are running Fox News, they are both liberal as hell. They've already run off Bill O'Reilly and Eric Bolling, and keep trying to get Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham fired. In 10 years they will be just as liberal as CNN is now.

They jus took over not too long ago right? Isnt Bolling sick? Or one of his kids sick or something? I agree on the BoR thing, they had public probable cause, Hannity actually publicly fights it...BoR didnt. He should have.
0 chance elizabeth warren wins. I agreee with on every other point. They want Harris to run. She is a woman and a latino. Open borders here we come.

That's why I said Warren winning would be the BEST CASE scenario for the country if Trump is impeached. She's the most sane of the loonies.

The left has some serious crazies and if Trump gets impeached, they are going to take over the Democratic party completely.

The left wants open borders, sanctuary cities and socialism. Three things that have NEVER worked ANYWHERE they have been tried.

Did you know Europe is on a path to become a Muslim-majority continent by 2050? Did you know that EVERY country in the world that is Muslim-majority has instituted Sharia law?

A lot of people in this country need to turn off CNN and start CRITICALLY THINKING about where this country is headed.
They jus took over not too long ago right? Isnt Bolling sick? Or one of his kids sick or something? I agree on the BoR thing, they had public probable cause, Hannity actually publicly fights it...BoR didnt. He should have.

Bolling was fired when sexual harrassment 'allegations' surfaced. His son later died I think from an OD.

A few months later, they tried to do the same thing to Hannity, but he lawyered up and the 'allegations' magically disappeared.

Earlier this week, CNN did the same thing to Paris Dennard, they 'discovered' sexual harrassment 'allegations' from 2014, and he was fired. 24 hours after Trump tweeted out that he did a great job on CNN the night before.

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