Civil War

HAHAHAHAHA. The democrat "men" I have unfortunately met or encountered over the last 30 years are the weakest, whiniest, b*tches ever. Heck, liberal women are tougher than liberal men. The right would not be destroyed by leftists, EVER. Go back to your soy latte. Momma Done Failed.
I’d never date a woman who dated a liberal man. They’re soft and weak. A real woman wants a real man and is ok with gender roles.
The New Testament has a decidedly different tone to it than the Old. Many contradictions there.

Me personally, I try to focus on the teachings and sayings of the most radical peace activist in human history.

Everything has its dark side to it because at its core, it’s operated by humans. Humans are inherently selfish.
Dawkins referred to himself as a Cultural Christian recently. I thought that was interesting. Socks is right, nobody ( including Christians ) are perfect, but Christians can make for quality neighbors.
As I said Christianity evolved. For example, Christians didn't start slavery, but they were the first to end it.

Dawkins referred to himself as a Cultural Christian recently. I thought that was interesting. Socks is right, nobody ( including Christians ) are perfect, but Christians can make for quality neighbors.
It’s been my experience, and I can only comment on mine and no one else’s. In my 39 years on this planet I have followed Him and I have strayed from Him.

The quality of my life was much lower and sadder when I did my own thing and didn’t think I needed Him.

I think one of the hardest things for people to do, and this was the hardest thing for me, was accepting the gift of forgiveness. You don’t think you’re worth it so you don’t accept it. Or you think it’s too good to be true.

Truth is you don’t deserve it. I know I don’t. But that’s not the point.

There are very few people who have lived who have influenced civilization in the way Isaac Newton has. If you don’t know much about it he’s an interesting read. Guy was absoleuty brilliant.
He suffered from imposter syndrome which is when you have achieved certain things but don’t think you deserve it. You obtained them by luck and you’re not really as good as the company you’re in.

When Newton was asked what his greatest life accomplishment was, he was it was living and dying celibate. Extremely odd answer. When asked why, he said that’s the only thing he could ever do that could emulate Christ.
Until someone breaks into the house in the middle of the night and her cuck husband is out the window before she is.
yeah. No doubt. I guess I meant masculine in terms of assertiveness, argumentative, you know the whole…. I’m a strong independent women, I don’t need no man routine. Intolerable
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Trump is our last chance to save America from these Socialist, Godless & evil Democrats.
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Well looka here, there's less bitch in you than I thought. I usually end up in the 305 at least twice a year on business.

Make it a dive bar, please and thank you. I'm not weak but I'm definitely poor and I'm not buying you a 17 dollar beer.
LOL, i an neither weak nor poor. you have two weeks before the big dog heads back out west.
Next time you’re in Miami let me know tough guy.
Rob Riggle Laughing GIF by Channel 7
You are one freakin idiot!
lol, why? Because I don’t think a bunch of old comfortable men will win a civil war if it’s taught in the traditional sense? Seems fairly obvious to me. 60 plus year old guys are not the ones people fear.
lol, why? Because I don’t think a bunch of old comfortable men will win a civil war if it’s taught in the traditional sense? Seems fairly obvious to me. 60 plus year old guys are not the ones people fear.
Fighting an active insurgency in a hostile local populace using asymmetric warfare tactics for 20 years has taught us old dogs some new tricks.

60 year olds aren't going to be doing the fighting, they're going to be handling battle planning, supply and logistics.

Although if it comes down to it you don't have to be in good shape to snipe or defend a well constructed emplacement.

Didn't really think this through did you.
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Fighting an active insurgency in a hostile local populace using asymmetric warfare tactics for 20 years has taught us old dogs some new tricks.

60 year olds aren't going to be doing the fighting, they're going to be handling battle planning, supply and logistics.

Although if it comes down to it you don't have to be in good shape to snipe or defend a well constructed emplacement.

Didn't really think this through did you.
Oh I think through everything as you should know by now. The brains and money in the country is on the left not the right. So logistics planning and supplies will be heavily tilted in that direction. The people carrying out the orders will be mostly the young and fit, not the Trunp demographic. I don’t think it will come to fighting I think the country, all of us. Are fat happy and entitled. I grew up dirt poor but that era hasn’t existed for decades we really don’t have many poor people, we have people with less but compared to the 70’s and 80’s they look and live a very middle class comfy lifestyle not ideal for recruiting jihadis. I think the left prevails in either scenario the bloodless war or the bloody. Its not a fair fight, at all.
Oh I think through everything as you should know by now. The brains and money in the country is on the left not the right. So logistics planning and supplies will be heavily tilted in that direction. The people carrying out the orders will be mostly the young and fit, not the Trunp demographic. I don’t think it will come to fighting I think the country, all of us. Are fat happy and entitled. I grew up dirt poor but that era hasn’t existed for decades we really don’t have many poor people, we have people with less but compared to the 70’s and 80’s they look and live a very middle class comfy lifestyle not ideal for recruiting jihadis. I think the left prevails in either scenario the bloodless war or the bloody. Its not a fair fight, at all.
Stay in your lane bud.

You know why the United States Marine Corps and its reserve always meet or exceed recruiting goals?

There will always be patriots, macho idiots, and people with something to prove.

I've been out of the military for 20 years I can still tell you who commands what in my mos as well as the latest T & E weapons and chances are I've even fired them. As we speak I'm working with active duty guys in my old unit to let some of us old farts drive the new expeditionary amphibious fighting vehicle.

We teach our kids these values and skills.

Do you know why Trump got elected in the first place?

It was a visceral reaction from a silent majority of people being told by coastal elites that their way of life was dying and it was their fault.

If you don't think a small army of rednecks hillfolk and veterans could give the US military fits in this country you haven't been paying attention, and the Taliban would like a word.
Stay in your lane bud.

You know why the United States Marine Corps and its reserve always meet or exceed recruiting goals?

There will always be patriots, macho idiots, and people with something to prove.

I've been out of the military for 20 years I can still tell you who commands what in my mos as well as the latest T & E weapons and chances are I've even fired them. As we speak I'm working with active duty guys in my old unit to let some of us old farts drive the new expeditionary amphibious fighting vehicle.

We teach our kids these values and skills.

Do you know why Trump got elected in the first place?

It was a visceral reaction from a silent majority of people being told by coastal elites that their way of life was dying and it was their fault.

If you don't think a small army of rednecks hillfolk and veterans could give the US military fits in this country you haven't been paying attention, and the Taliban would like a word.
Military would be on OUR side...not theirs. Eventually at least
Oh I think through everything as you should know by now. The brains and money in the country is on the left not the right. So logistics planning and supplies will be heavily tilted in that direction. The people carrying out the orders will be mostly the young and fit, not the Trunp demographic. I don’t think it will come to fighting I think the country, all of us. Are fat happy and entitled. I grew up dirt poor but that era hasn’t existed for decades we really don’t have many poor people, we have people with less but compared to the 70’s and 80’s they look and live a very middle class comfy lifestyle not ideal for recruiting jihadis. I think the left prevails in either scenario the bloodless war or the bloody. Its not a fair fight, at all.
You literally have no idea what you are talking about. "the brains and money is on the left". So you think a bunch of whiny, pacifist, libtards are going to all of the sudden get a spine and decide to fight? With leftists dimwits like yourself responsible for voting idiots like biden into the White House and supporting his destructive policies, that makes you smart?

What do you think happens outside of your little bubble of a city? Have you ever looked at a map of America with voting by county?
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Stay in your lane bud.

You know why the United States Marine Corps and its reserve always meet or exceed recruiting goals?

There will always be patriots, macho idiots, and people with something to prove.

I've been out of the military for 20 years I can still tell you who commands what in my mos as well as the latest T & E weapons and chances are I've even fired them. As we speak I'm working with active duty guys in my old unit to let some of us old farts drive the new expeditionary amphibious fighting vehicle.

We teach our kids these values and skills.

Do you know why Trump got elected in the first place?

It was a visceral reaction from a silent majority of people being told by coastal elites that their way of life was dying and it was their fault.

If you don't think a small army of rednecks hillfolk and veterans could give the US military fits in this country you haven't been paying attention, and the Taliban would like a word.
Bingo. Give this man a cigar. Apparently Mega Dumb F### has never been outside of the city.
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Military would be on OUR side...not theirs. Eventually at least
depends on the branch honestly. But most people don't realize that while the armory on base is heavily guard deep inside the fenceline, the armory for the reserves is in the reserve center. Off base. All you'd need to get access to big boy weapons is a sympathetic national guardsmen or reservist with armory access. And many of these air force drone pilots get burned out flying missions on the other side of the globe, I can't imagine them launching hellfires into their hometowns.
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lol, why? Because I don’t think a bunch of old comfortable men will win a civil war if it’s taught in the traditional sense? Seems fairly obvious to me. 60 plus year old guys are not the ones people fear.
So people fear South Beach and San Francisco residents, Dylan Mulvaney, Bernie Sanders, Whoopi Goldberg and people who want to rescind the 2nd Amendment, do not want to prosecute criminals and are anti war? Got it. You go girl.

MDF below

Pride Lgbt GIF by BabylonBee
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oh LAWD.

Let's start with the Hindus and the Buddhists.

But just for funnsies, there's the Crusades, which y'all lost 75 percent of, the Spanish Inquisition, the Salem witch trials.

The Old Testament is FULL of God ordering the killing of this tribe or that. when he's not killing firstborn or flooding THE WHOLE WORLD Himself.

please. cut the shit. Xianity was not always peaceful. To its credit, it evolved, unlike certain religions that are mired way back in the 7th century.

White Christians can claim the lions share of civilizing this planet, but they didn't do it peacefully, they did it with the sword.
To be fair, most civilizing is done with force.

One of the most interesting things I could understand that Stephen Hawking said…he was vehemently against us sending and searching for signals from outer space.

His point is…never in recorded history has a more advanced culture encountered a less advanced one and things gone well.
To be fair, most civilizing is done with force.

One of the most interesting things I could understand that Stephen Hawking said…he was vehemently against us sending and searching for signals from outer space.

His point is…never in recorded history has a more advanced culture encountered a less advanced one and things gone well.
Are you referring to Detroit? ;)
It doesn't matter who would technically win the next civil war. We will all lose everything if it ever goes that way.
Every market will crash....the fight will be over the last scraps at the super market when there is no more supply chain to feed 330 million people. The worlds economy would collapse.

Idiotic macho bullshit will do nothing but do us all in.
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It doesn't matter who would technically win the next civil war. We will all lose everything if it ever goes that way.
Every market will crash....the fight will be over the last scraps at the super market when there is no more supply chain to feed 330 million people. The worlds economy would collapse.

Idiotic macho bullshit will do nothing but do us all in.
No lies detected. That's why the threat of an armed citizenry actively resisting is the final check on government.
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keep dreaming my lil sheep. the hungry and the poor are a much more sturdy group. good times make weak men, all of you stimi loving clowns are weak.
The hungry and poor lower classes that you're always saying are free riding off your high class taxes? Well, they'll be gunning for you then.
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oh LAWD.

Let's start with the Hindus and the Buddhists.

But just for funnsies, there's the Crusades, which y'all lost 75 percent of, the Spanish Inquisition, the Salem witch trials.

The Old Testament is FULL of God ordering the killing of this tribe or that. when he's not killing firstborn or flooding THE WHOLE WORLD Himself.

please. cut the shit. Xianity was not always peaceful. To its credit, it evolved, unlike certain religions that are mired way back in the 7th century.

White Christians can claim the lions share of civilizing this planet, but they didn't do it peacefully, they did it with the sword.
Christians are new testament. Jesus didn't say to use swords to convey the gospel. He said pray, love, and forgive. Jews are old testament. God wiped out evil people as he saw fit in the old testament.

"Religions" as many think of are man-made instituions used to control, subjugate, and install political hierarchies over overs. Catholicism, government associated forms of Christianity, Mormons, JoHo's, all just bureaucratic politics controlled by evil men and ultimately Satanic. Islam, from it's origins in the Arabian peninsula was inherently violent and as the Arabs conquered folks from Arabia west to Morocco and east to India they forced them to be muslim by sword and still do to this day.

What is the truth to save one's soul is to worship the one true God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and to thank, follow, and allow Jesus to be one's intercessor to God and to be baptized in the Holy Spirit. No sword needed, no Pope needed, no man-made religion needed, no money needed, no politics needed, just God, Jesus, Holy Spirit and it's free.
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It doesn't matter who would technically win the next civil war. We will all lose everything if it ever goes that way.
Every market will crash....the fight will be over the last scraps at the super market when there is no more supply chain to feed 330 million people. The worlds economy would collapse.

Idiotic macho bullshit will do nothing but do us all in.
I think I disagree with you there n politics, but this is the truth. Mass death and chaos. My point is that there are people ( many of them veterans ) who have game planned this out and are more prepared for it. When you raise your own food, you don’t fight over the last box Frosted Flakes at the grocery. People who have been very intentional on keeping life simple. People who know how to fight. It’s not that they want a civil war, it’s that they think it’s inevitable so you have to be prepared. I personally live rural, raise my own food, etc…. Try not to depend on the “system”. Most people who live this way want to be able to help their community when the shit hits the fan, not dominate ( outside of self defense)
Oh I think through everything as you should know by now. The brains and money in the country is on the left not the right. So logistics planning and supplies will be heavily tilted in that direction. The people carrying out the orders will be mostly the young and fit, not the Trunp demographic. I don’t think it will come to fighting I think the country, all of us. Are fat happy and entitled. I grew up dirt poor but that era hasn’t existed for decades we really don’t have many poor people, we have people with less but compared to the 70’s and 80’s they look and live a very middle class comfy lifestyle not ideal for recruiting jihadis. I think the left prevails in either scenario the bloodless war or the bloody. Its not a fair fight, at all.
Who had all the money in Vietnam? Iraq? Afghanistan? You can talk about all the fat and lazy shit all you want. There is a collective out here that is bad to the ****ing bone son.
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Stay in your lane bud.

You know why the United States Marine Corps and its reserve always meet or exceed recruiting goals?

There will always be patriots, macho idiots, and people with something to prove.

I've been out of the military for 20 years I can still tell you who commands what in my mos as well as the latest T & E weapons and chances are I've even fired them. As we speak I'm working with active duty guys in my old unit to let some of us old farts drive the new expeditionary amphibious fighting vehicle.

We teach our kids these values and skills.

Do you know why Trump got elected in the first place?

It was a visceral reaction from a silent majority of people being told by coastal elites that their way of life was dying and it was their fault.

If you don't think a small army of rednecks hillfolk and veterans could give the US military fits in this country you haven't been paying attention, and the Taliban would like a word.
Jan 6 was round 1, how did that go?? you think the jokers will think twice about doing something like that again? we shall see. Its a silly argument, we will know when and if we know. My opinion is the left will prevail easily as it has for the last 200 years.

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