Civil Rights leader endorses Pres Trump

These polls cannot begin to show the increase in Black, Hispanic and Asian voters for Trump. Cuban and Venezuelan and many more that are not asked, not to mention an overwhelming support of those who have gone from Dem to Rep, and those who have never voted before. These are more than enough to offset any of the cheating that is happening now.

HISTORIC! 31% of Black Voters Intend to Cast Their Vote for President Trump in Latest Poll
If true
These polls cannot begin to show the increase in Black, Hispanic and Asian voters for Trump. Cuban and Venezuelan and many more that are not asked, not to mention an overwhelming support of those who have gone from Dem to Rep, and those who have never voted before. These are more than enough to offset any of the cheating that is happening now.

HISTORIC! 31% of Black Voters Intend to Cast Their Vote for President Trump in Latest Poll
If true you’d think Trump wins.
My black paternal school teacher auntie once told me one day the Africans would wake up to the Democrats' mountain of empty broken promises. Can this be it? I'm holding my breath. We'll know Wednesday.

Hey Left, the bruthuhs and sistuhs may not be as stupid as you tell me.

Another demographic to watch. The old, who don't bother to vote or vote down ticket. What we saw in Wayne County, MI and Cuyahoga County, OH in 2016. They count, too. They helped elect Trump.

“President Trump did something that few other politicians do,” Owens said. “He sought out the opinion of a variety of African American leaders and he listened to what we had to say."

I think PDT has done a great job of listening to what the people want/need. He doesn't seek approval from the media and inquiring minds.
These polls cannot begin to show the increase in Black, Hispanic and Asian voters for Trump. Cuban and Venezuelan and many more that are not asked, not to mention an overwhelming support of those who have gone from Dem to Rep, and those who have never voted before. These are more than enough to offset any of the cheating that is happening now.

HISTORIC! 31% of Black Voters Intend to Cast Their Vote for President Trump in Latest Poll
He's way up vs 2016 with Hispanic voters in FL as well.
If true

If true you’d think Trump wins.

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