Chomp on this for awhile.

You know, I’ve always tried really hard to maintain a basic level of respect for KU, in part for their history and tradition, but mainly because it’s Adolph Rupp’s alma mater. Over the past few years that respect has slowly dwindled away.

Last night was a new low for KU. All the crap that’s being going on there with no consequences from the NCAA - it’s sickening, really.:mad::confused:
Birds < hurricanes + Seminoles:eek:
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Well, I went once, in winter. Imagine a cold, windy, lumpy, brown place where every store and gas station sells Wizard of Oz paraphernalia. Mostly big Dorothy dolls.

I imagine, in summer, it's less cold and maybe less brown.
Upon reflection, the strip clubs in Kansas are probably worth a visit...

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sadgator has never visited the state of Kansas in his lifetime. He probably never will.
I had to once on a cross country trip in the Navy way back when. Only place in the entire nation I have found where they force you to pay TOLLS on the FEDERAL INTERSTATE SYSTEM which I thought was completely illegal.
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