Breaking: Harris given questions per whistleblower

Absolutely. He has had my vote for months. That being said, I think the country is totally f’d either way. I see Trump as someone who can extend my preparation timeline. However, I think the country is fundamentally broken beyond repair.
We have issues but we have never been more powerful and wealthy so I don’t share your pessimism.
We have issues but we have never been more powerful and wealthy so I don’t share your pessimism.
Wealthy, maybe. Powerful…. I think we are a paper tiger honestly. My pessimistic attitude stems more from the people. We are a fat, weak pathetic culture. Totally overcome with materialism and self centerness.
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lol who else would a con man surround himself with??? You see what happens when normal people worked for him. What do my rational thinkers have to say?

Wealthy, maybe. Powerful…. I think we are a paper tiger honestly. My pessimistic attitude stems more from the people. We are a fat, weak pathetic culture. Totally overcome with materialism and self centerness.
I am not so sure about that. Although I don’t fully disagree good times do indeed create weak men
I am not so sure about that. Although I don’t fully disagree good times do indeed create weak men
I hope I’m off base. However, I have always found that my instincts about things are a strength for me. I sense trouble. I can smell it.
How does this impact Trumps brutal performance? He couldn’t stay on message he takes every pump fake and leaves his feet. Brutal performance, that’s why he won’t debate her again he got obliterated. Probably the worst performance in presidential debate history. Really bad, most people say this. Most very smart people know this.
Worst ever? Biden got bounced from race Trump whipped him so badly,

Trump did just fine, he was debating 3 people and held his own.

And he made the one point he needed to make - she’s been in the WH for 4 years and it’s been nothing but a dumpster fire. Why would anyone believe it’ll change if she wins this election?

He closed with that and that’s the sound bite. Whats Kamala’s knockout punch? You know if she had one we’d all be sick of it by now.
He closed with that and that’s the sound bite. Whats Kamala’s knockout punch? You know if she had one we’d all be sick of it by now.
But all that joy! :rolleyes: There is no joy in Mudville, especially with communists running things.:mad:

The media has blown their wad already and there's two months left until the election. The curtain has been pulled back and it's down the drain for the Dims from here. They better crank up their voting fraud game in a hurry.
But all that joy! :rolleyes: There is no joy in Mudville, especially with communists running things.:mad:

The media has blown their wad already and there's two months left until the election. The curtain has been pulled back and it's down the drain for the Dims from here. They better crank up their voting fraud game in a hurry.
The media can’t pick a soundbite because she didn’t tell the truth about anything.

And they don’t want to get called out.
The media can’t pick a soundbite because she didn’t tell the truth about anything.

And they don’t want to get called out.
She did absolutely nothing but stand there looking like The Joker with that fake contrived clown face when Trump was at bat. That was so fake the camera panned away from her, but someone else got ahold of those cuts and posted them on X. They are here somewhere. 😂
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Absolutely. He has had my vote for months. That being said, I think the country is totally f’d either way. I see Trump as someone who can extend my preparation timeline. However, I think the country is fundamentally broken beyond repair.

Yeah that's how I've seen things for a long time now. Look at the trajectory of the US over the last 50 years or so. We're so much farther left now and there's no stopping the overall drift. Electing Trump in 2016 and here now while being the right thing to do is still just a couple of detours on the road to where we are headed.

They fact checked Trumps state of mind ( sarcastic vs not ). That pretty f’n absurd. Then no fact check on the very fine people hoax. Definitely 3 vs 1. Trump team should have known that going in. Trump missed easy opportunities to nail her to the wall. Republicans should never ever agree to a network debate again without debates moderated by new media. By the way, the pet eating stuff is happening. Give it time and you will have barbarians living in your neighborhood too. Shits gonna get real. The independent soccer moms that don’t need no man are going to love it.

Maybe so, I’m not a political expert. What I am saying is that it is happening. If we don’t course correct, it will spread. We are talking voodoo witch doctors, third world savages, cannibals the the like being put into American towns. With no course correction this becomes the main dish, or rather, our weak process food eating fat American neighbors will become the main dish. You can’t import the third world with no assimilation and not become the third world.

The Paul Kersey solution:
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It was a big story before the debate. Multiple outlets were already looking into it because it was blowing up online.
And yet the city manager could not refute it, just said he couldn't confirm it. That's known as political denial plausibility, even though he knew it was a shitshow in that town. That part wasn't disclosed by the moderators. But of course not, the fix was in if they could contribute to it without looking worse than they already did. You know, I get home field advantage, I do. But Whoremella flatly refused to debate as a visitor to FOX News. I'd love to see that cackling whore with her clown face answer to Tucker Carlson and Bill O'Reilly as mods. I can assure you it would be a beat down.
And yet the city manager could not refute it, just said he couldn't confirm it. That's known as political denial plausibility, even though he knew it was a shitshow in that town. That part wasn't disclosed by the moderators. But of course not, the fix was in if they could contribute to it without looking worse than they already did. You know, I get home field advantage, I do. But Whoremella flatly refused to debate as a visitor to FOX News. I'd love to see that cackling whore with her clown face answer to Tucker Carlson and Bill O'Reilly as mods. I can assure you it would be a beat down.
Fox lost so much credibility with that lawsuit.