Breaking: Harris given questions per whistleblower

I thought the democrat candidate getting the questions in advance was understood.

On another note, this sounds like the kind of stuff that comes from twitter that sounds shocking but you never hear about it again.
How does this impact Trumps brutal performance? He couldn’t stay on message he takes every pump fake and leaves his feet. Brutal performance, that’s why he won’t debate her again he got obliterated. Probably the worst performance in presidential debate history. Really bad, most people say this. Most very smart people know this.
How does this impact Trumps brutal performance? He couldn’t stay on message he takes every pump fake and leaves his feet. Brutal performance, that’s why he won’t debate her again he got obliterated. Probably the worst performance in presidential debate history. Really bad, most people say this. Most very smart people know this.
Which one of us did? Not me. Not Nail. Not Lord. Not fatman. Gonna have to call you out for lying...son.
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How does this impact Trumps brutal performance? He couldn’t stay on message he takes every pump fake and leaves his feet. Brutal performance, that’s why he won’t debate her again he got obliterated. Probably the worst performance in presidential debate history. Really bad, most people say this. Most very smart people know this.
"both are true. Trump looked like an unhinged lunatic but the moderators were clearly biased. And the fact check was absurd."

--The Sock Lord

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"both are true. Trump looked like an unhinged lunatic but the moderators were clearly biased. And the fact check was absurd."

--The Sock Lord

I said that. Much earlier. Of course it was biased he still messed up royally. The immigration issue alone. Its an assault on democracy in two ways, first they are going around the Congress and through NGO’s to bypass the voters desire to have secure borders and the idea that these people are not counted in the census and allotted representatives in Congress.. how hard is simply sticking to that? Eating cats and dogs may be true it may not be but it’s a moronic and infantile point. Of course this is the issue with Trump he is infintile
Only if you were bound and determined to dismiss the whistleblower ...
In today’s hyper partisan world wouldn’t put much stock in this either way. But if pressed, I would say she had the questions before hand.

Has nothing to do with Trump stinking up the joint he was brutal

She keeps rising trump acting like a coward isn’t helping. She smells blood
They fact checked Trumps state of mind ( sarcastic vs not ). That pretty f’n absurd. Then no fact check on the very fine people hoax. Definitely 3 vs 1. Trump team should have known that going in. Trump missed easy opportunities to nail her to the wall. Republicans should never ever agree to a network debate again without debates moderated by new media. By the way, the pet eating stuff is happening. Give it time and you will have barbarians living in your neighborhood too. Shits gonna get real. The independent soccer moms that don’t need no man are going to love it.
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They fact checked Trumps state of mind ( sarcastic vs not ). That pretty f’n absurd. Then no fact check on the very fine people hoax. Definitely 3 vs 1. Trump team should have known that going in. Trump missed easy opportunities to nail her to the wall. Republicans should never ever agree to a network debate again without debates moderated by new media. By the way, the pet eating stuff is happening. Give it time and you will have barbarians living in your neighborhood too. Shits gonna get real. The independent soccer moms that don’t need no man are going to love it.
Pet eating was moronic to bring up it takes all the attention off the main dish. Really really stupid and undisciplined really really stupid

But let’s talk about eating dogs and cats…. Effing moron

You think they would ever drop these people in a rich town with 90% liberals? Not a chance. Did Trump ever say that? Nope, cats and dogs.
Pet eating was moronic to bring up it takes all the attention off the main dish. Really really stupid and undisciplined really really stupid
Maybe so, I’m not a political expert. What I am saying is that it is happening. If we don’t course correct, it will spread. We are talking voodoo witch doctors, third world savages, cannibals the the like being put into American towns. With no course correction this becomes the main dish, or rather, our weak process food eating fat American neighbors will become the main dish. You can’t import the third world with no assimilation and not become the third world.
Maybe so, I’m not a political expert. What I am saying is that it is happening. If we don’t course correct, it will spread. We are talking voodoo witch doctors, third world savages, cannibals the the like being put into American towns. With no course correction this becomes the main dish, or rather, our weak process food eating fat American neighbors will become the main dish. You can’t import the third world with no assimilation and not become the third world.
I grew up in Miami, plenty of Haitians. You’re overreacting likely because you’re a small white town guy. The weird factor is fairly consistent. It’s the bypassing of democracy that’s the issue not picking on the immigrants themselves.

This should not be debatable it is what it is. I will never understand grown men being afraid to stand alone and deal with reality like a man.
I grew up in Miami, plenty of Haitians. You’re overreacting likely because you’re a small white town guy. The weird factor is fairly consistent. It’s the bypassing of democracy that’s the issue not picking on the immigrants themselves.
I am a small white town guy, but I was in the military. That a pretty diverse environment, so I don’t think I’m naive to the world or anything. We not taking about generational Haitians here, we are talking people who were practicing cannibalism like last week. Channeling the dead and practicing voodoo. These people are not fit for living in a western culture. Frankly it is as dangerous for them as it is us.
I am a small white town guy, but I was in the military. That a pretty diverse environment, so I don’t think I’m naive to the world or anything. We not taking about generational Haitians here, we are talking people who were practicing cannibalism like last week. Channeling the dead and practicing voodoo. These people are not fit for living in a western culture. Frankly it is as dangerous for them as it is us.
Yeah, I don’t buy that why import that element instead of the higher end of Haitian society. We shall see. Out of 20000 of any group there will be a percentage that is insane. Heck we have insane people in our families.
Yeah, I don’t buy that why import that element instead of the higher end of Haitian society. We shall see. Out of 20000 of any group there will be a percentage that is insane. Heck we have insane people in our families.
Higher end Haitian society? I thought that was called the Dominican Republic
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Why did Hillary get them? Why do we do mail in ballots? Why do we not require a voter id? All of these are very obvious if you’re not tethered to one of the teams. If pushed I would say the Dems cheated, history matters.
Not the same. That debate was ran by the democratic party and it was THEIR debate. This debate was ran by BOTH parties.

That's the difference between scrimmaging your own team and playing an actual game.