BREAKING: DOJ is investigating our President Trump for Jan 6th

If that’s the case then let’s severely gut the three letter agencies while we’re at it? They break more laws daily than any cop on the street.

Oh that’s right, that doesn’t fit the force fed agenda.

I’m a libertarian, I’d gut all government agencies or eradicate all of them. They serve little purpose in our lives and for far too long have overreached.

So you answered your own question, huh?
I guess the three letter agencies serve little purpose in your confused head

Taking your "libertarian" beliefs seriously...

You're advocating eliminating the following:

The US military (good luck when the CCP & Russia invade)
All federal law enforcement (must be for open borders)
The US treasury (must hate the idea of money)
The US Federal court system (good luck resolving disputes)
The USDA (must not like having inspected food)

What about state government?
Would you eradicate it or does state regulation not "overreach" also?

What about the Constitution?
It would appear you don't support that document either since it establishes much of what you want to eradicate

As to the rest of your post...its nothing more than trumpanzee partisan griping

But please continue to believe in a system that will do nothing but give you false hope.

There it is folks...A trumpanzee's definition of being a "patriot"
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So you answered your own question, huh?
I guess the three letter agencies serve little purpose in your confused head

Taking your "libertarian" beliefs seriously...

You're advocating eliminating the following:

The US military (good luck when the CCP & Russia invade)
All federal law enforcement (must be for open borders)
The US treasury (must hate the idea of money)
The US Federal court system (good luck resolving disputes)
The USDA (must not like having inspected food)

What about state government?
Would you eradicate it or does state regulation not "overreach" also?

What about the Constitution?
It would appear you don't support that document either since it establishes much of what you want to eradicate

As to the rest of your post...its nothing more than trumpanzee partisan griping

There it is folks...A trumpanzee's definition of being a "patriot"
Since you are this dense and love pedos for some reason, I’ll explain this one last time.

FBI - Corrupt
CIA - Corrupt
NSA - Corrupt
IRS - Corrupt
FDA- Corrupt
Federal Reserve - Corrupt
Federal Government = Corrupt

All power should be turned back over to the states. Your issue is you love the idea of the government telling you what to do, when to do it and what to think. It’s quite evident in all of your posts when you link “evidence” that your point is correct when every single “news” agency you link has lied to you and yet you haven’t even realized their doing it because you get off on the copy and paste.

The silver lining in all of your posts is that as you post from news agencies that lie, that makes you a lazy liar. Being lazy is either means your slow, as in low IQ. Or it means you cannot or you refuse to work, a bi-product of big government.

In the end, your drivel is meaningless because at your core, you are quintessential example of what is wrong with this country. Overweight, low IQ, naïve, lazy and a useful idiot. Hillary said it best when she described voters. Promise a bunch of bull shit while they get rich, rinse and repeat. People on this board should be proud to be called trumpanzees by you if you are the barometer of the opposite.

In conclusion, I’ll leave you with this. If a person believes a liar, repeats the lie, they become a liar themselves. If a person votes for a pedo, believes he’s not a pedo, does that person become a lying pedo or just another useful idiot because they couldn’t distinguish the lie in the first.

Could it be that you are just a lying boy lover who supports other boy lovers who also lie? Graves is the future of the democrat party. A lying boy lover😂😂😂
Since you are this dense and love pedos for some reason, I’ll explain this one last time.

FBI - Corrupt
CIA - Corrupt
NSA - Corrupt
IRS - Corrupt
FDA- Corrupt
Federal Reserve - Corrupt
Federal Government = Corrupt

All power should be turned back over to the states. Your issue is you love the idea of the government telling you what to do, when to do it and what to think. It’s quite evident in all of your posts when you link “evidence” that your point is correct when every single “news” agency you link has lied to you and yet you haven’t even realized their doing it because you get off on the copy and paste.

The silver lining in all of your posts is that as you post from news agencies that lie, that makes you a lazy liar. Being lazy is either means your slow, as in low IQ. Or it means you cannot or you refuse to work, a bi-product of big government.

In the end, your drivel is meaningless because at your core, you are quintessential example of what is wrong with this country. Overweight, low IQ, naïve, lazy and a useful idiot. Hillary said it best when she described voters. Promise a bunch of bull shit while they get rich, rinse and repeat. People on this board should be proud to be called trumpanzees by you if you are the barometer of the opposite.

In conclusion, I’ll leave you with this. If a person believes a liar, repeats the lie, they become a liar themselves. If a person votes for a pedo, believes he’s not a pedo, does that person become a lying pedo or just another useful idiot because they couldn’t distinguish the lie in the first.

Could it be that you are just a lying boy lover who supports other boy lovers who also lie? Graves is the future of the democrat party. A lying boy lover😂😂😂
  • Some government health insurance plans (like Medicaid) in certain states cover abortion, while others don’t. Some plans only cover abortion in certain cases. (most do)

For numb nuts: The Hatch Act is federal, not state :rolleyes:
Besides, Planned Parenthood gets a ton of Federal funding (Hundreds of Millions every year) and I guess some on this Board actually think they do not use any of it for abortions. They perform around 40% of all abortions. Maybe Congress could setup a committee to investigate to find out exactly how much of the Federal fundings are going to abortion.
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Disgusting. The cop had the audacity to enforce the rule of clearly he had to get physically assaulted. 🤨

Going further, if this cop had continued to lose this battle and had to defend himself and others by using deadly force, the offender in that video would have been described as an "unarmed black child."

Cops can't afford to lose that kind of fight, no matter who it is with, because the offender can take his gun and put other people's lives in danger, including the cop obviously. It's a life and death struggle every time.

This kid committed an adult crime and he should do some time in an adult prison. He put others in grave risk...most especially himself.
I would be in jail if I were that guy. He would have got tased in the first few seconds
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i dont deamonize cops, i simply think they are not good enough. the job comes with a heavy burden, they represent the government you and yours seem to love, i am a small governemt freedom loving american, these guys represent uncle sam and they come carrying a gun. i have a gun too, but good lord would i be in trouble if i used it!!
You are correct...people like you only use guns to break in to someone elses property
  • Wow
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nah, we need to watch the government like hawks, they eat sheep like you for breafast... admitted that YOU had run ins with the law. You see, son....WE do things VERY differently, listen closely. ANY time a LEO asks for me to do something, I make a point to listen to them, and comply. Your kind wants to resist...and RIGHT THERE is your problem. you are probably just like George Floyd. admitted that YOU had run ins with the law. You see, son....WE do things VERY differently, listen closely. ANY time a LEO asks for me to do something, I make a point to listen to them, and comply. Your kind wants to resist...and RIGHT THERE is your problem. you are probably just like George Floyd.
of course you do, youre a sheep!!!! do what youre told boy... admitted that YOU had run ins with the law. You see, son....WE do things VERY differently, listen closely. ANY time a LEO asks for me to do something, I make a point to listen to them, and comply. Your kind wants to resist...and RIGHT THERE is your problem. you are probably just like George Floyd.
Criminals always think the law should be reformed.
of course you do, youre a sheep!!!! do what youre told boy...

I would recommend that you comply with all lawful orders. If you aren't sure if it's lawful, and it won't cause anyone permanent damage, I'd still recommend that you follow the order.

If it wasn't lawful, the cop will pay on the back end in court or through disciplinary action.

We don't hold court proceedings on the curb. It's not a debate. You have rights and I absolutely agree that you should exercise them...but that doesn't always mean that you have to do so in that EXACT moment. Sometimes you lose a battle to win a war.
I would recommend that you comply with all lawful orders. If you aren't sure if it's lawful, and it won't cause anyone permanent damage, I'd still recommend that you follow the order.

If it wasn't lawful, the cop will pay on the back end in court or through disciplinary action.

We don't hold court proceedings on the curb. It's not a debate. You have rights and I absolutely agree that you should exercise them...but that doesn't always mean that you have to do so in that EXACT moment. Sometimes you lose a battle to win a war.
I'm shocked by this revelation.

I'm guessing you are short?
61, not a giant but far from short.
I would recommend that you comply with all lawful orders. If you aren't sure if it's lawful, and it won't cause anyone permanent damage, I'd still recommend that you follow the order.

If it wasn't lawful, the cop will pay on the back end in court or through disciplinary action.

We don't hold court proceedings on the curb. It's not a debate. You have rights and I absolutely agree that you should exercise them...but that doesn't always mean that you have to do so in that EXACT moment. Sometimes you lose a battle to win a war.
oh, i comply alright dont have much of an option.
I would recommend that you comply with all lawful orders. If you aren't sure if it's lawful, and it won't cause anyone permanent damage, I'd still recommend that you follow the order.

If it wasn't lawful, the cop will pay on the back end in court or through disciplinary action.

We don't hold court proceedings on the curb. It's not a debate. You have rights and I absolutely agree that you should exercise them...but that doesn't always mean that you have to do so in that EXACT moment. Sometimes you lose a battle to win a war.

For the life of me I cannot figure out what is funny about this post.
You recommending that I comply with law enforcement…. There are no other options

There are no other good options I guess...yet people still choose that option on the daily. That's what I was referring to.

And if a cop is doing something wrong, complying with said illegal request is tantamount to giving him the rope to hang himself.
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There are no other good options I guess...yet people still choose that option on the daily. That's what I was referring to.

And if a cop is doing something wrong, complying with said illegal request is tantamount to giving him the rope to hang himself.
C'mon man. He's trolling. He's laughing. Unlike BSsoy, he's good at his craft. Shit posting. 😂
There are no other good options I guess...yet people still choose that option on the daily. That's what I was referring to.

And if a cop is doing something wrong, complying with said illegal request is tantamount to giving him the rope to hang himself.
there are no options. Period.