If that’s the case then let’s severely gut the three letter agencies while we’re at it? They break more laws daily than any cop on the street.
Oh that’s right, that doesn’t fit the force fed agenda.
I’m a libertarian, I’d gut all government agencies or eradicate all of them. They serve little purpose in our lives and for far too long have overreached.
So you answered your own question, huh?
I guess the three letter agencies serve little purpose in your confused head
Taking your "libertarian" beliefs seriously...
You're advocating eliminating the following:
The US military (good luck when the CCP & Russia invade)
All federal law enforcement (must be for open borders)
The US treasury (must hate the idea of money)
The US Federal court system (good luck resolving disputes)
The USDA (must not like having inspected food)
What about state government?
Would you eradicate it or does state regulation not "overreach" also?
What about the Constitution?
It would appear you don't support that document either since it establishes much of what you want to eradicate
As to the rest of your post...its nothing more than trumpanzee partisan griping
But please continue to believe in a system that will do nothing but give you false hope.
There it is folks...A trumpanzee's definition of being a "patriot"