BREAKING: DOJ drops charges against Gen. Michael Flynn

Let's think about this logically for a minute: Let's say in 6 months, the DOJ produced confessions from obama, brennan, clapper, comey, everyone, saying they admitted to treason and trying to overthrow the incoming and current government.

How would the sheep react?

Many would view obama, hillary and the rest as even BIGGER HEROES than they already do.

So if you're going to win over the sheep, you have to give EVIDENCE of acts and crimes so appalling that even the sheep can't defend them. You have to embarrass the sheep to tears to think that they ever defended these people, now that they know what they have done. You have to get them to demand justice like the rest of us do.

I wonder if this whole Durham investigation hasn't been misdirection to focus them on it, while they are secretly going after them as well for the 'indefensible' stuff that even the sheep can't defend.
Nothing’s come yet...

Other than....

Everyone from Comey down to Page and Strozk have been fired in the FBI

A grand jury has been impaneled against Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe.

James Comey has been referred for criminal prosecution

DOJ has dropped all charges against Gen Flynn

Durham is currently investigating and has also impaneled a Grand Jury

In the months and years to come there will be great debate here about which statement will be harder to live down:

"Trump will own this" - @bradleygator


"Nothing is coming" - @sadgator
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