Brandon hits 33% approval

In state run Quinnipiac latest poll

Biden approval rating drops to 33 percent, hitting new low in key poll​

Who are these 33%? 🐏🐏🐏🐏🐏🐏🐏🐏🐏🐏🐏🐏🐏🐏🐏🐏🐏🐏🐏🐏🐏🐏🐏🐏🐏🐏🐏🐏🐏🐏🐏🐏🐏
Oh boy

Poll: Biden Hits Record Low Approval with Hispanics​

Here's the kicker. Hispanic families are all about nuclear families and praising God. The minute they realize Joe is opposed to the very freedoms they came here for it was over for his approval. They are much more conservative than liberal.
Oh boy

Poll: Biden Hits Record Low Approval with Hispanics​

This is THE FUNNIEST part...he has opened the border to help the communists get more votes...but Hispanics HATE him and most lefty policies. The are mostly Christians, and do not go for the woke BS Brandon is forced to try to push through. They also despise the people entering illegally, as most of these people did it the LEGAL way, and do not appreciate cheaters. They also despise communism/socialism...which is the democratic party platform.
And yet somehow in November 2024 with Bidens approval rating in the teens, 100 million votes will end up with Biden because….counteveryillegalvote. Just ask our guy @LizardGrad89 He loves illegal votes.
This is very easy explained. Lefties are SUPER low character, low moral people. Their woke agenda's are WAY more important to them than being honest. They come before EVERYTHING/ANYTHING to them.
Hey, where is our guy @kalimgoodman that always liked to say “well his polling is better than trumps was at the same time”

Welp, so much for that.
What those little snowflakes do not take in to that equation is they cut Trumps in two, and double Brandons rating. See 2016 election poll results the day before the election, and the same could be said before 2020. For some reason 2020 was the first time in I do not know how long...the candidate that won Florida did not win the election...hmmmmmm. And Trump DOMINATED if Florida

Biden Plunges With Hispanics By 42 Points In Just 15 Months​


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