

Green Machine
Oct 22, 2006
All this posting about "going back to where you came from" has given me reason to to do deep, with that in mind...several points are worth mentioning...and they are:
This country is so polarized...I don't believe people will come together on much of anything...I am guilty of being biased, being prejudiced, being a bigot (I can be hardheaded), stubborn, and I fight change, a constant that I do often embrace...and I believe I need to be learn the lessons of flexibility...because things often go my way and things don't go my way.
I can be a hypocrite due to my stubborness...and if I am going to say someone needs to go back to where they came from if they don't like what's going much as I complain about democrats and republicans...just where am I to go since I don't like what's going on?...back to TN?
There are times when it's fun to complain for the sake of complaining...but like's not fun being a continuous victim...and that's something I need to work on, myself...guess with my full-time job and everything else...I need to do better about taking care of my business and be more flexible to deal with changing circumstances since I can only control me/myself...and I can't control them/they at all...and I'm guilty (as millions of us are) into thinking everything has to go my way.
I'm mystified these days (another common condition I find myself in) that few folks are left trying to find any common ground with anyone else.
I think I need to develop a tougher outer shell and be better about dealing with "wherever the chips may fall"...spending more time on my agendas.
I, like millions of others, am always correct...even when I'm not.
But I do appreciate your posts on this subject as they (your posts) made me take a critical look at myself...something I do need to do more.

Apologies for this diatribe that was poorly written but mentally better conceived.

Agent Orange
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All this posting about "going back to where you came from" has given me reason to to do deep, with that in mind...several points are worth mentioning...and they are:
This country is so polarized...I don't believe people will come together on much of anything...I am guilty of being biased, being prejudiced, being a bigot (I can be hardheaded), stubborn, and I fight change, a constant that I do often embrace...and I believe I need to be learn the lessons of flexibility...because things often go my way and things don't go my way.
I can be a hypocrite due to my stubborness...and if I am going to say someone needs to go back to where they came from if they don't like what's going much as I complain about democrats and republicans...just where am I to go since I don't like what's going on?...back to TN?
There are times when it's fun to complain for the sake of complaining...but like's not fun being a continuous victim...and that's something I need to work on, myself...guess with my full-time job and everything else...I need to do better about taking care of my business and be more flexible to deal with changing circumstances since I can only control me/myself...and I can't control them/they at all...and I'm guilty (as millions of us are) into thinking everything has to go my way.
I'm mystified these days (another common condition I find myself in) that few folks are left trying to find any common ground with anyone else.
I think I need to develop a tougher outer shell and be better about dealing with "wherever the chips may fall"...spending more time on my agendas.
I, like millions of others, am always correct...even when I'm not.
But I do appreciate your posts on this subject as they (your posts) made me take a critical look at myself...something I do need to do more.

Apologies for this diatribe that was poorly written but mentally better conceived.

Agent Orange

You are a thoughtful guy AO. I enjoy the back and forth with you, because I think points on both sides are actually being evaluated and responded to.

With respect to the latest controversy, I can only say that “go back to where you came from” or “love it or leave it,” are sentiments I will never agree with, because in my opinion they are antithetical to what this country was founded on. This country should always tolerate protest, whether it’s from anti-Israel Muslims, or white supremacists or anyone else you don’t want to hear from. Limiting free speech is tricky business. Those that support it in the near term might end up unhappy where the lines end up drawn.

I don’t agree with the sentiments expressed by the Gang of Four or whatever they call themselves, but in my opinion telling them to go back to where you came from is more anti American than anything they have said.

I don’t blame Trump. Ghost is correct that the move was politically savvy. But I think it’s sad that that kind of sentiment is such a political winner.
You will remember both parties engage in savvy political moves...but come election day, November 2016...we will see who was the most savvy.

And you will remember how politically savvy it's been for the Left to scream out racism at every turn.

Methinks the Left is outraged that Trump has outsmarted them in many ways and they
cannot control their anger.

And while I cannot say what Trump has recently said does "build bridges"...I have to call the Left out for having done similar things.

And since I can see selective outrage in myself...I can spot it a mile away in others.

Agent Orange
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