Boom!!!! Post verdict polling!!

The Pant's Shitter in Chief has some catching up to do! (most likely cheating, or a new Plandemic)
doc savage shoot GIF by Warner Archive
probably something along these lines
Hey snowflakes! If I EVER tell you it is Christmas time, do not look at your calendar! Go immediately hang the stockings on the chimney! This election is O V E R! LOLOL
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Hey snowflakes! If I EVER tell you it is Christmas time, do not look at your calendar! Go immediately hang the stockings on the chimney! This election is O V E R! LOLOL
Hey snowflakes! If I EVER tell you it is Christmas time, do not look at your calendar! Go immediately hang the stockings on the chimney! This election is O V E R! LOLOL
When Romney calls out the Dems for what they've done, you know they've been bad.
Like the Reagan victory in 1980. Still time left for things to change..but something MAJOR has to happen FOR FJB the idiot...and what in hell does he EVER do right? But the MSM is going ape SH** and really attacking Trump now. They are wiping their dirty drawers they are so scared. Making chit up...normal stuff. and our snowflakes will stop hanging around because even with their inferior brain power to make coherent decions....they are starting to see the inevitable