Black swan event incoming?




Well the same people who told me Joe was “his best self” and Kamala was terrible now tell me she’s the right person to lead us to the promised land.

There’s NO WAY they let DJT back in the driver’s seat.

All of the stops are about to be pulled out.

Indeed sir. They are already using polls with massive oversampling of dems despite and electorate that has moved more Republican. Hell electorate was essentially 50-50 back in april and has continued to move Republican since.

On a side note…I found this dandy from slate while doing some research.

I liked this one from CBS yougov…

They make you dig but this is literally their quote at the bottom of their poll…

“This CBS News/YouGov survey was conducted with a representative sample of 3,102 registered voters nationwide interviewed between July 30-August 2nd, 2024. The survey included an oversample of Black respondents”
I liked this one from CBS yougov…

They make you dig but this is literally their quote at the bottom of their poll…

“This CBS News/YouGov survey was conducted with a representative sample of 3,102 registered voters nationwide interviewed between July 30-August 2nd, 2024. The survey included an oversample of Black respondents”
Harris is absolutely getting blasted on Facebook and it's hilarious.😂
Indeed sir. They are already using polls with massive oversampling of dems despite and electorate that has moved more Republican. Hell electorate was essentially 50-50 back in april and has continued to move Republican since.

On a side note…I found this dandy from slate while doing some research.

Great stuff.

Thesis statement:

Instead, Harris’s presidential campaign will be remembered as one of the worst of that election cycle. Internally, it was a disastrously mismanaged mess. Externally, it offered a series of mixed messages, short-lived slogans, and attempts to backpedal along the ideological spectrum. Her dazzling presence in planned speeches and gotcha moments flickered out when she was forced to think—and relay a coherent policy position—on her feet. It was a spectacular letdown that contained a lesson about electoral politics: candidates who looks promising on paper can easily flounder under pressure.
Great stuff.

Thesis statement:

Instead, Harris’s presidential campaign will be remembered as one of the worst of that election cycle. Internally, it was a disastrously mismanaged mess. Externally, it offered a series of mixed messages, short-lived slogans, and attempts to backpedal along the ideological spectrum. Her dazzling presence in planned speeches and gotcha moments flickered out when she was forced to think—and relay a coherent policy position—on her feet. It was a spectacular letdown that contained a lesson about electoral politics: candidates who looks promising on paper can easily flounder under pressure.

I particularly liked this assessment…

“Harris, a proven dud of a presidential candidate who has done little to distinguish herself since, is not a good choice for the Democrats’ top billing. For his second term, should he seek one (he shouldn’t!), Biden should tap someone else.”
I particularly liked this assessment…

“Harris, a proven dud of a presidential candidate who has done little to distinguish herself since, is not a good choice for the Democrats’ top billing. For his second term, should he seek one (he shouldn’t!), Biden should tap someone else.”
No way Biden would tap Harris. She's about 40 years too old for Biden's tastes. 😂
Just saw a tweet…

“Your 401k is being unburdened by what has been”

Yeah. Your 401K, IRA's, Roths, etc...will be used to "service the national debt" after the Gov takes them over. Not to worry though, it will take another 10 years or so before it happens. And they will manage your $$$$$ for you in a responsible manner. You're gonna like it.

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Yeah. Your 401K, IRA's, Roths, etc...will be used to "service the national debt" after the Gov takes them over. Not to worry though, it will take another 10 years or so before it happens. And they will manage your $$$$$ for you in a responsible manner. You're gonna like it.

I’d rather pull it all out and burn it in a barrel then let them have it. They get nothing from me.
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