Biden is an embarrassment to the core of this nation


Bull Gator
Dec 8, 2004
Borders like a sieve. Inflation unseen in 40 years. Slurs words like a drunken sailor, calls senators sinners. Can't walk stairs. But he got paid to step down so he can be a vegetable on his beach in Delaware. Here's to you, Mr Pantshitter Guy, a man of no real genius, 😂


Borders like a sieve. Inflation unseen in 40 years. Slurs words like a drunken sailor, calls senators sinners. Can't walk stairs. But he got paid to step down so he can be a vegetable on his beach in Delaware. Here's to you, Mr Pantshitter Guy, a man of no real genius, 😂


Too bad Powers Boothe was younger than The Groper Joe yet passed some years ago.
So I agree...but how about the idiots who support this? THEY are the stupid ones. They get lied to...and I think many times they know...but do not care. They need to be able to kill unborn babies(and sometimes babies just born) feed their below average supporters with gubment money for votes that WE pay in taxes, open the borders even though terrorists are rushing in, and WE will have to pay benefits to these people soon.
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You know what is really funny. The Toe is trying hard to distance herself from the failures of the Biden/Harris Admin, but the platform they released at the Convention mentions Joe Biden 10x more then they mention Harris. Something close to 30 to 1. Seems like she is nothing more then 4 more years of Biden/Harris.
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Fairly certain we're in a recession...they're peeing on us and telling us it's raining.

I was reading something in the financial section in the comments yesterday. I don't remember exactly what was said but it was damned scary. It was in regard to the monetary supply and the national debt. Some are predicting the dollar crashing big time after rate cuts. Predictions of the Dow dropping 20,000 points. :oops: :oops: :oops:

I'm considering cashing out of any stocks (mostly my wife's retirement funds), I'm all cash and real estate, other than a considerable amount of silver and gold coinage.
I was reading something in the financial section in the comments yesterday. I don't remember exactly what was said but it was damned scary. It was in regard to the monetary supply and the national debt. Some are predicting the dollar crashing big time after rate cuts. Predictions of the Dow dropping 20,000 points. :oops: :oops: :oops:

I'm considering cashing out of any stocks (mostly my wife's retirement funds), I'm all cash and real estate, other than a considerable amount of silver and gold coinage.
Depending on your age that may be smart. Or at least park somewhere with low risk and low returns.

I'm sure they're talking about the impending Federal default.
Depending on your age that may be smart. Or at least park somewhere with low risk and low returns.

I'm sure they're talking about the impending Federal default.
I have been out of the market for 2 years. They are falsely propping it up now until elections are over. But it STILL may crash any day. I am 63 and not taking any chances.
This done ONLY because the election is coming up. Drilling shut off the DAY after the election if they win.

They keep asking her the question framed as "will you ban fracking" and Kamala can say "no". Because technically she doesn't have to "ban" it. Her administration can just regulate it to death. Either way it kills fracking.
She's really fracking stupid regardless

I don't think she does the debates. And I think they are hoping ABC stands firm and won't change debate to open mics so they can have an excuse for the rest of the MSM to push as to why she refused to do the debate. Plus they'll also give the old tired but not true "Trump just lies, there's no reason to debate him" bit. Her handlers must be having nightmares every night of her doing a 90 minute debate regardless but closed mic debate is kryptonite to someone as moronic as Kamala and they know it.
I don't think she does the debates. And I think they are hoping ABC stands firm and won't change debate to open mics so they can have an excuse for the rest of the MSM to push as to why she refused to do the debate. Plus they'll also give the old tired but not true "Trump just lies, there's no reason to debate him" bit. Her handlers must be having nightmares every night of her doing a 90 minute debate regardless but closed mic debate is kryptonite to someone as moronic as Kamala and they know it.
I agree. She cannot. She will stick out like a whore in church
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